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Azalea - Hotspur Red

Azalea - Hotspur Red

Hubby spotted this last weekend and fell in love. It's added a real splash of colour to our front garden.

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LOve the color it's not common

26 May, 2017


Yes Bathgate, thats what hubby liked, when we saw it at the nursery last weekend it just stood out. It was fun planting it, it's already a couple of foot tall and took 2 of us just to get it out of pot, daughter at the muddy end lol.

26 May, 2017


Great choice!

26 May, 2017


Lol, which one, the Azalea or giving my daughter the muddy end when planting. :-). hubby saw it and without saying a word to me decided he was having it but I forgave him as I liked it as well :-).

26 May, 2017


lol..both! :)

27 May, 2017


That's a beautiful azalea, I love the orange ones and don't see many that color over here.

5 Jun, 2017


Thanks Rkwright, I've not seen many here, saw that Karen has one by her pond. It is still in flower, doing so well considering it got man handled putting it into the ground. Funny, as you say orange but the name calles it Red :-).

5 Jun, 2017


I didn't even notice the name when I saw the picture lol. It's probably like crape myrtles and mountain laurels, most of them that are called red are really deep pink.

6 Jun, 2017


Lol, even if called Red, I call it the orange Azaleas when saying to hubby about it :-).

6 Jun, 2017

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