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More color 2.


By Stan510

More color 2.

A little collection of succulents.

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Beautiful varieties you ve got what is the curly leaf one? please.

28 May, 2017


That's a variegated Pereskia. They make great indoor plants. I've seen them used that way by sunny windows. They might even flower- and make tiny red ripe berrys.
For me outdoors..their tropical nature causes winter setbacks. Still,its about 15 years old.

28 May, 2017


Thank you Stan wow that is a good age.

29 May, 2017


Is the plumeria starting to bud, yet?

9 Jun, 2017


No,I think its skipping a year. P.obtusa was killed far back..but its sprouting. May was nice,June has been a wash..sub 70f. About 8-10f below average.

13 Jun, 2017


It may develop a flower spike later in the year.

Sorry to hear about your P. obtusa 'Singapore!' I remember when my large P. obtusa 'Singapore' burned up about 4 years ago from a horrible heat wave.

There's a really big heat wave heading our way. It's going to affect most of the west. It's going to last 14 days according to the meteorologist here. It's already hot. :>((

16 Jun, 2017


Its hot here now Andy. Upper 80's and maybe 90's by Sunday. The ten days here start hot, ends with three 77's more or less.
Hey! Celadine no.1 (the oldest) sent up a flower stalk..or starting to is more accurate.
I painted the front an excuse to post photos of something on it. It was on my to do list for 3 years!

16 Jun, 2017


I saw it was still very hot there today. it's hot here, also.

My plumerias are starting to flower. I'll be posting some pics very soon. My desert rose is at peak flowering right now. I took some really nice photos of it today.

20 Jun, 2017


We hit 100f..a low of 69f. June 12th I was posting how cold it is..55f at noon.
A rollercoaster.

My Plummies despite a warm May and now this are behind last year this time..the cold really hurt. Even my Psuedobombax is just leafing out. Tips rotted in winter. Last year,it was well into large new leaves.
I've been planting things I have had in pots. I figure if they took the winters in a pot..plant them out. Its getting more and more empty on the potted ranch.

20 Jun, 2017


I know the weather has been crazy this whole year! I heard it suppose to stay pretty hot up there. It's going to warm to hot here for another week.

Some of my Plumerias are flowering right now. I'm waiting for a few that didn't flower last year (Hilo Beauty, Pink Pastel).

Good luck with the Psuedobombax! I know they really need a lot of heat to get them growing.

22 Jun, 2017


90f today. Not the blazing 100f on Monday..its cooled down to 80f at 7pm.
I'm just watering who needs it..less for some more for others.
The Mango is coming along..but its a slug compared to what I m used to- Avocado's,Citrus and the rest. I might cut off more panicles.Get it to flush again like last year. It grew a bit under 3' then. Wont do that with fruit on it this year.
lol,what a choice.

23 Jun, 2017

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