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Wonder if it's called Blue Beard?.. Blue Fabulous!


By Lori

Wonder if it's called Blue Beard?.. Blue Fabulous!

love the colours.

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A beauty.

30 May, 2017


Wow...what a great find Lori. I love that colour!

31 May, 2017


I shared some of my iris siberica roots for a couple of roots of this. It's much shorter than the other irises I have, and similar to Double Your Fun in size and blossom time. It also very close in colour to a much taller beardie that I have called Midnight Revelry, which won't bloom until mid to late June. I confess, I was hoping someone could give me a name for it.

31 May, 2017


that is fabulous Lori..

3 Jun, 2017


thanks, Sandra! should I call it Blue Fabulous? x

3 Jun, 2017


sounds perfect to me..

3 Jun, 2017


That's incredible with the water on it. :>)

6 Jun, 2017


yes, D1!... you can almost hear the slurping sounds. They do love water!

6 Jun, 2017


Yes, that's why mine aren't doing so well.

8 Jun, 2017

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