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Rhubarb with parrot tulips and virginia creeper


By Lori

Rhubarb with parrot tulips and virginia creeper

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Rhubarb and custard mmm lovely Tulip.

30 May, 2017


LOL...tpb! It is growing like mad... rhubarb pie! My Mom's recipe with the sugary crust top and creamy rhubarb compote... mmmm.... soon!

2 Jun, 2017


That sounds yummy Lorri does she make the fruit pastry with egg.

2 Jun, 2017


my Mom would be 110 tomorrow, if she was still with us! All her recipes were old school... but I admit she made a plain crust. that's an idea I might try. Thanks Tpb!

3 Jun, 2017


Your welcome Lori my mum use to mince the left overs from a Sunday joint boil onions drain them mix together and make plain crust pie my sister asked me how she use to make it . When we were kids she would send us out to collect lollipop sticks thrown away she would boil them then make her special toffee apples people now would go errr lol but back then you could nt find lollipop sticks in shops for sale even now you cant get the wooden sticks and money was short bringing up 7 kids and supplying the kids in the street to.

3 Jun, 2017


I'm the youngest of seven too, Tpb. I find memories like those make me yearn for the old times... all the things we did as children would horrify parents today... we played outdoors in the woods, the fields or the streets and never came home til we were summoned! We drank water straight from the tap, and got brown as berries playing in the sun all day, skinned our knees and climbed tall trees... lol... yep the good old days.

4 Jun, 2017


Now here Lori if you as a child climbed a tree like we use to you get an ASBO on you a criminal record I was just saying this to Bathgate . I still drink from the tap my grand children play out side make dens paddle with shoes in the the river back if my house lol and my children did I wont listen to stupid brain washing governments to keep us all in doors so they can spy and control us better with lack of policing and over crowing our country with to many people. Yes bring back the old days I am 62 and a young mind out look I just hope our kids stop these stupid brain washing tatics before its to late.

4 Jun, 2017


Tbp... can you translate please? "ASBO"...I have to bluntly (as usual) ask, what's that? you can't climb trees anymore?
When I started into my 60's I decided that it was a crossroad... the road ahead being so much shorter than the one behind me. Therefore: I thought, I'm going to enjoy my last 15 or 20 years and not stress too much. If possible! That was my epiphany~ but some things about the world we live in now are truly worrisome. I'm glad I'm at this end of life and not beginning. I worry for the coming generations of what I consider "average" people, like myself, but mostly, I worry for the "natural" world... extinctions, crowding, poisoning from polluted air and water, but not least about the total lack of privacy. I can't envision what will be happening in 15 or 20 years... so, I'm going to hope for the best and hang in as long as I can. How 'bout you? :-)

5 Jun, 2017

It like a restraining order which has been given to young children and adults even pensioners which gives them a criminal record and a file is made on each child to be shown to employers which can be bought up on line for the future bought in by Tony Blair criminalising very young kids for life. As of the rest I shall pm you as I would rather not say here I dont want to end up like JF Kennedy.

Only to say this one day those in their cosey gullable lives that have never known want that are not affected by these things YET when it affects their life/family they will wake up and smell the coffee it will then be far to late .

5 Jun, 2017

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