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Rhododendron English Pink...


By Lori

Rhododendron English Pink...

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Is your soil very acidic ?

1 Jun, 2017


Although it's not visible in the pic, Terra, the spot I chose for the rhodo is beneath my bedroom window facing south-west and my house is a scant 30 ft. from the edge of a hardwood forest. Every spring I try to bring some of the leafmould down to my gardens and that is acidifying. this poor rhodo is finally in it's proper place after coming with us when we moved. It started out in my city garden where the soil was about 6-8 pH... with the addition of leaf mould here it seems to have strengthened and my pH is 4-5. I'm beginning to feel optimistic about it. It's a great favourite of mine.

1 Jun, 2017


In the photo it looks very happy and healthy... good idea to improve/acidify the soil around it.

1 Jun, 2017


Its looking great Lori it looks healthy and happy , can't wait to see it in bloom :o)

7 Jun, 2017


More Leaf mould to be added, I think Terra. maybe next the mosquitoes are bad at present.
Amy! I looked at it yesterday and the buds are breaking! Yay! Will wait a day or two to get a better shot of the flowers!

10 Jun, 2017


What damage is done by the mosquitoes please Lori ?

10 Jun, 2017


Thankfully, for the garden's sake, none, Terra. but they hatch out of woodland puddles and rise in clouds when the leafmould is disturbed. Hub refers to them as Pteradactyls! There are several species and some carry disease. The females require blood to reproduce and they can be so numerous that they, literally, cause deer, moose and bear to run mad! Probably the reason my hub saw a black bear cub in our backyard early yesterday morning. Native peoples used to make fly repellent from bear grease... stinky, but effective.
Rufus would only venture as far as the deck. He seemed to know the bear had been around.

10 Jun, 2017

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