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Spc Sea Shells x (Angel Fairy Tern x Judge Nancy)

Spc Sea Shells x (Angel Fairy Tern x Judge Nancy)

Another from this pod. There are 5 sdlgs of this cross, all with the applique type throats.

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Stunning love the frilly bugandy edging.

3 Jun, 2017


Thanks. It is going to be difficult deciding how many to keep in the fall.

6 Jun, 2017


Its certainly will be you have so many beauties. I got two today Black Arrow Head and Mosses Fire.

6 Jun, 2017


I really like Black Arrowhead. I have it as a cross with a sdlg from Malachite Prism, and it looks spectacular. It doesn't like to set seed, so I keep it to enjoy. Moses' Fire faded away on me because it needs the cold to thrive.

6 Jun, 2017


Thank you for your great advice Willie I shall keep that all in mind the Mosses Fire will do well then here as it does get cold here where I live.

I have no idea how to cross seed these plants I am not sure if they have already flowered as no flowers on them .

6 Jun, 2017


Usually, the year I buy a new plant, it doesn't flower. It will also take a couple of years to really look good. Moses' Fire may bloom later in the season as it re-blooms. If you are thinking to cross these two, it won't happen. B.A. is a Diploid, M.F. is a Tetraploid. To avoid frustration, you have to know the ploidy of the plant, which can be found on the American Hemerocallis Society website.

7 Jun, 2017


Thank you Wylie for that no I dont wish to cross them and thank you for the information.

7 Jun, 2017

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