Martagon Lily Revealed
By Siris

4 Jun, 2017
So pleased I discovered the lily hidden in foliage against a variegated Pyracantha with white flowers, had to have another photo with a dark background in place. Keep off Lily Beetles!
Comments on this photo
looks stunning , wont be long before all mine start to flower
5 Jun, 2017
Martagons or hybrids?
7 Jun, 2017
all sorts
8 Jun, 2017
Lily Beetles are not choosy. Gave up on Lilies several years ago, for the LB reason. But I have hidden this Martagon well, so far!
8 Jun, 2017
I grow lots of different varieties some dont get touched and others are like a buffet to them ...
8 Jun, 2017
Pests target the Turks cap 'Fairy Morning' first, the move onto another for pudding.
9 Jun, 2017
Small but perfectly formed!
16 Jun, 2017
Beauty comes in small packages, Hb.
24 Jun, 2017
Pictures by siris
1215 of 2864
What else?
See who else is growing Lilium martagon (Common turkscap lily).
See who else has plants in genus Lilium.
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Stunning great photo. We never use to get lily beetles I was told they came in with their eggs inside the soil of other lilies from other countries.
5 Jun, 2017