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Daphne x burkwoodii 'Silveredge'

Daphne x burkwoodii 'Silveredge'

Another picture of Daphne flowers, it's one plant I can never have too many of.

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Gorgeous does this smell like lemon.

5 Jun, 2017


It's hard to describe the scent of the flowers but I'll do my best. Most Daphnes have a very pleasant sweet fragrance with a hint of spices, the scent is somewhat similar to Winter Jasmine or Korean Spice Viburnum. This Daphne and all the burkwood hybrids are some of the stronger scented Daphnes, even a 2 foot tall shrub has a stronger scent than a row of lilacs. From up close it can be over-powering but it's the type of shrub that can perfume an entire yard.

5 Jun, 2017


Thank you.

5 Jun, 2017


I will look out for this one

10 Jun, 2017


I have been seeing this one and Gold Dust sold at more nurseries the last couple years. Daphnes are usually hard to find here and when I do see any for sale it's almost always Carol Mackie but none of the others. I've probably asked you this before but do you come across many varieties there?

10 Jun, 2017


Varieties of DAPHNE currently offerd by Burncoose nursery I will send a list of another nursery tomorrow

DAPHNE albowiana
DAPHNE albowiana >
A daphne for a shady area with clusters of extremely fragrant spidery, starry yellow flowers and red fruits
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£20.00 each
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DAPHNE bholua 'Jacqueline Postill' AWARD
DAPHNE bholua 'Jacqueline Postill' >
Large and showy intensely fragrant purplish pink flowers
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£50.00 each
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DAPHNE burkwoodii 'Astrid'
DAPHNE burkwoodii 'Astrid' >

Commonly known as: Variegated daphne.
Pale yellow margins turning creamy-white to the blue-green leaves
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£30.00 each
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DAPHNE burkwoodii 'Somerset' AWARD
DAPHNE burkwoodii 'Somerset' >
Improved form of burkwoodii with fragrant purple-pink flowers
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Large £30.00 each

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DAPHNE cneorum
DAPHNE cneorum >

Commonly known as: Garland flower.
Abundant clusters of strongly scented rose-pink or white flowers. Slow growing and must have well-drained but not dry soil
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£40.00 each

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DAPHNE gemmata
DAPHNE gemmata >
Bushy habit and clusters of yellow flowers in late spring to summer followed by red fruits
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£20.00 each

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DAPHNE laureola subsp. philippi
DAPHNE laureola subsp. philippi >

Commonly known as: Spurge laurel.
Fragrant yellow-green flowers beneath polished green leaves. Semi-prostrate habit
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£20.00 each

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DAPHNE mezereum 'Rubra'
DAPHNE mezereum 'Rubra' >

Commonly known as: Mezereon.
Scented purplish-red flowers
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Small £15.00 each

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Large £27.50 each

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DAPHNE odora
DAPHNE odora >

Commonly known as: Winter daphne.
Fragrant with reddish-purple flowers
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£22.50 each
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DAPHNE odora 'Mae-jima'
DAPHNE odora 'Mae-jima' >

Commonly known as: Winter daphne.
Compact habit and attractive creamy-yellow edged green leaves. Profuse dark pink, strongly fragrant flowers
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£32.50 each
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DAPHNE odora 'Marianni'
DAPHNE odora 'Marianni' >

Commonly known as: Winter daphne.
('Rogbret'). - green leaves with broad golden yellow margins. Very fragrant tubular pink flowers in late winter, early spring
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£17.50 each


DAPHNE odora 'Aureomarginata'
DAPHNE odora 'Aureomarginata' >

Commonly known as: Winter daphne.
Leaves have a yellow margin which becomes creamy-white with age
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Small £15.00 each

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Large £30.00 each

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DAPHNE 'Perfume Princess'
DAPHNE 'Perfume Princess' >
Large clusters of very fragrant white flowers with a hint of pink at the centre
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£20.00 each
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Large £30.00 each

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DAPHNE pontica
DAPHNE pontica >
Clusters of scented yellowish-green flowers and blue-black fruits
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£25.00 each
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DAPHNE x susannae 'Cheriton' AWARD
DAPHNE x susannae 'Cheriton' >
A hybrid between D.arbuscula and D.collina which, although a small shrub, exhibits hybrid vigour. Dark purple flowers in the summer
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£20.00 each
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DAPHNE tangutica AWARD
DAPHNE tangutica >
Masses of very fragrant flowers tinged pink
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£20.00 each
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DAPHNE x transatlantica 'Eternal Fragrance' AWARD
DAPHNE x transatlantica 'Eternal Fragrance' >
Rosy-red flowers in bud opening white in large clusters. Extremely fragrant
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£25.00 each

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Large £40.00 each

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DAPHNE x transatlantica 'Pink Fragrance'
DAPHNE x transatlantica 'Pink Fragrance' >
Pink highly fragrant flowers blooming over an exceptionally long period. Compact habit
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£25.00 each



10 Jun, 2017


Another nursery Pottertons alpines they grow mainly the smaller ones they appear to have sold out of some and deleted them

Daphne blagyana 'Brenda Anderson'
A choice, compact form of Daphne blagyana with prostrate trailing thick stems bearing creamy-white fragrant flowers from January to April. Does not like to dry out, suggest an annual mulch of leaf mould, in sunlight or dappled shade.
UK - dispatched all year round.
Daphne blagyana 'Brenda Anderson'
£5.00 each

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Daphne cneorum var. verlotii
Clusters of fragrant pink-rose flowers forms into a very compact plant that is highly suited to trough or narrow raised bed.
UK - dispatched all year round.
Daphne cneorum var. verlotii
£6.00 each

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Daphne jasminea Upright Form
Slightly tender upright form with small blue-green leaves and typically scented white flowers in June, limited availability.
UK - dispatched all year round.
Daphne jasminea Upright Form
£8.00 each

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Daphne laureola ‘Margaret Mathew’
Dense, evergreen shrub up to 35cm in ten years with clusters of yellowish-green flowers in February to March. Very hardy, dappled shade or sun.
UK - dispatched all year round.
Daphne laureola ‘Margaret Mathew’
£5.00 each

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Daphne mezereum 'Bowles White'
Deciduous upright shrub that has fragrant white flowers on bare stems in spring, leaves after flowering, then scarlet berries. Very hardy.
UK - dispatched all year round.
Daphne mezereum 'Bowles White'
1 or more - £ 5.00 each

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Daphne x burkwoodii 'Somerset Variegated'
Outstanding golden-yellow edged green leaf, excellent striking evergreen form which produces clusters of fragrant, pale pink flowers in the Spring. Large pots.
UK - dispatched all year round.

No image available.
£5.00 each

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Daphne x hendersonii 'Rosebud'
Dark pink-purple flower buds opening up to large pink flowers often fading to near white.
UK - dispatched all year round.

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£8.00 each

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Daphne x schlyteri 'July Glow'
Narrow dark green leaves, dark pink fragrant flowers in late June or July, this plant forms a very tight compact mound. Limited availability.
UK - dispatched all year round.
Daphne x schlyteri 'July Glow'
£6.00 each

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Daphne x schlyteri 'Lovisa Maria'
Narrow dark green leaves, dark pink fragrant flowers, forms a very tight compact mound.
UK - dispatched all year round.

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£6.00 each

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Daphne x susannae 'Cheriton'
Hybrid between D. arbuscula x D. collina, deep glossy green leaves and highly scented purple-pink flowers. Hardy. 20cm x 15cm in 10 years. Limited availability.
UK - dispatched all year round.
Daphne x susannae 'Cheriton'
£6.00 each

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Daphne x susannae 'Tichborne'
A superb, beautiful Daphne, compact, dome-shaped habit, with large pink flowers, narrow strap-shaped leaves, best planted in sun.
UK - dispatched all year round.
Daphne x susannae 'Tichborne'
£6.00 each

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Daphne x whiteorum 'Beauworth'
(Daphne petraea grandiflora x D. jasminea) very compact growth, short stems covered with crowded leaves and clear pink scented flowers. Limited availability.
UK - dispatched all year round.
Daphne x whiteorum 'Beauworth'

10 Jun, 2017


That's quite a selection to choose from, are there any new ones that you're going to try?

14 Jun, 2017

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This photo is of "Daphne x burkwoodii 'Silveredge'" in Rkwright's garden

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