Found in my veggie patch!
By Lori

10 Jun, 2017
A seedling of the black walnut. gift of a squirrel, no doubt. Cannot leave it there... juglone.
Comments on this photo
Wouldn't that be great Sandra?!
11 Jun, 2017
now i've seen this I want one....
11 Jun, 2017
You could probably get nuts in your climate Sandra. I saw them growing in France.
11 Jun, 2017
If my trees produce nuts here... you surely will be able to grow these trees in Wales, Sandra! Just beware that they produce a substance in their roots and leaves and nut husk that is an herbicide! Give Juglone a google... Some plants will not grow near them and some perennials will not grow well in their drip zone. They are a beautiful tree, tall with lacey foliage. light shade and I have tall firs growing about 10 ft away (too close..but I didn't plant them) The nuts are enclosed in a mushy husk that stains everything yellow and smells like disinfectant! and the shell is so tough that some folk advise driving your car over them to remove the husk and crack the shell! The squirrels love them and wage war in the fall, raiding eachother's stashes! The nut is smaller than the regular walnut and a bit rubbery but the taste is excellent and is a fave of gourmet cooks. The nut is expensive to buy and rare to find on offer. Resi had them in France and there are two on my property. Not a common tree but a very interesting one.
11 Jun, 2017
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love a seedling..not lucky enough to get walnuts though!
10 Jun, 2017