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Trahlyta x Apple Swirl

Trahlyta x Apple Swirl

I had a sibling of this open, but it was an odd shade of red. Here is what I was hoping for - a dark purple cascade type. It measures in at 9".

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Another beauty ...


14 Jun, 2017


And it is an instant save for next year.

14 Jun, 2017


A few stipes appearing there, excellent.

14 Jun, 2017


Its sibling is open again today, and this is so-o-o much better.

16 Jun, 2017


Oh wow! Can I ask, how long does it take from crossing two flowers (I assume you use a paint brush or something) to producing the 'new' flower?

19 Jun, 2017


I use the stamens. First I take photos, and then start pinching the stamen off one I want to use and dab the pollen on that way. It takes 6-8 weeks for seed to set and ripen. I start the seeds at the end of December, plant them out in March, and sometimes I will get a few flowers in the fall. If not, they bloom the following year.

20 Jun, 2017


That's interesting, thank you :))

21 Jun, 2017

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