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Angel Wing Shrubby Begonia Flowering

Angel Wing Shrubby Begonia Flowering (Begonia  Angel Wing Shrubby Begonia)

This Begonia grows very tall and large. It flowers most of the year. Photo taken June 14, 2017.

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I didn't know begonias did that!

15 Jun, 2017



15 Jun, 2017



Yes, cane begonias can grow very tall here in California. I've seen some cane begonias as tall as 30' (9m) tall in Central California. Most cane or shrubby types stay around 6 to 9' (1.8 to 3 m) tall in the ground in a semi-shady spot.

16 Jun, 2017



Thank you. :>))

16 Jun, 2017


Your welcome Andy. :o))

16 Jun, 2017


Yea,that's good old faithful 'Irene Nuss' My large one was hit by a gopher 2 years ago..slowly its regaining its form. But..gophers might still have nibbled on it even since.
Bloom all year..covered in bloom in best summer days.

22 Jun, 2017


Yes, it's an easy begonia to grow and very easy to start from cuttings.

22 Jun, 2017


I planted out "Red Dragon" that I had in a pot for a very long had few leaves and a sprinkle of flowers.
3 weeks later I lush green leaves and its looking good again. All I did was dig a hole and water it.
These cane types hate pots. The only remedy is huge pots or maybe a root pruning and cutting back. Or- just plant it with no more bother-lol.

23 Jun, 2017


They seem to do well here in pots. I have another much larger one and several small cuttings in pots. It's definitely very easy.

Did you ever go to Antonelli's Begonia Nursery in Watsonville? I saw the largest Begonias in my life there. They were almost 30' tall! I didn't know they could grow so tall.

24 Jun, 2017

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