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Agapanthus praecox 'Blue Flash'

Agapanthus praecox 'Blue Flash'

This is one of the evergreen types, and I grow it outside. Agapanthus praecox grows all over the Azores, so this one will do very well. It is a lighter blue than the one normally seen here.

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Its lovely.

I have the white evergreen from the Efen Project years ago.

17 Jun, 2017


Agapanthus and hydrangeas are in just about every garden around here. They even use them in road dividers and roundabouts. A near black I have will be opening soon.

17 Jun, 2017


Like Cornwall then they have lots of Hydrangea s and Agapanthus lining their roads.

That sounds lovely near black I shall look forward to seeing that .

17 Jun, 2017


I got it off e-Bay from a store in Ireland. Bali Hai Mail Order Nursery has 147 types of agapanthus, and they all arrived in excellent condition.

17 Jun, 2017


Yes I ve bought plants from Ireland and they have always been good . Thank you for the name of the nursery.

17 Jun, 2017

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