The big three together...
By Stan510

17 Jun, 2017
King (Bangalow) Mexican Fan and Queen palms.
Comments on this photo
That's the more tropical looking.
Today is hottest June 18 ever..40C or 100F. It might even be over that. This is wild Penny..June began so its desert hot.
18 Jun, 2017
That is strange to go from so cold to so hot so quick. They call it global warming Stan which I know is rubbish there are 3 countries I know of that control the weather America Russia and China and I ve seen American farmers shoot bullets of some sort into the clouds making it rain on our tv program Country File they do it for their crops over there you can not tell me all this does nt have an affect on our weather messing about with it. Only a month ago it said in the news that China s pollution was causing it all lol we have had 31 ice ages.
Its hot here as well I don't mind as long as you get air flow with it but last few days there has been none of that .
19 Jun, 2017
Whats strange too? Ocean temps here have been colder then average. We -unlike most Med climates,don't have much of a summer ocean warmup. Its just as cold offshore as it would be in winter...55f or 13c
Last night Penny,after a day of cleaning and sawing wood in the heat( we had a reserved cleanup day and wouldn't you know it would turn out to be for the hottest day of the year),I had a terrific headache even with the A/C on last night..fell asleep with a wet washcloth on my noggin.
19 Jun, 2017
How strange your Ocean temp are cooler and dont warm like the Med countries and it stays cool yet you are getting the heat to makes one wonder if they are messing with the weather again to pop some of us off.
I would nt even go out in the heat we ve got here now let alone cut wood and clean up in your heat Stan no wonder you had a bad head ache
Hope your drinking plant of water soda any pop beer etc will dehydrate you my daughter is a career she told me only drink water even after operations as people tend to suffer dehydration after being operated on to and famlies tendvto bring on pops or diluted pop which is nt good.
19 Jun, 2017
Between meals Im doing the only water Penny. I slip when it comes to eating-lol. Root beer or Ice tea with real sugar...although I did go today with the aspartine instead of cane sugar.
You are right about sugars and heat..I wasn't to good for snacking on pastry. Back to a banana.
Believe me- THIS kind of heat is very unusual. Especially a few days before the start of summer. Our hottest days are usually in September.
19 Jun, 2017
Tut tut naughty you slipping on root beer pastry ? that is very strange your getting that kind of heat now if normally comes in August.
20 Jun, 2017
Is this King palm on A st. by the 880. If so, it's been there for years! I remember it got slightly damaged in the horrible Dec. 1990 freeze.
28 Jun, 2017
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Wonderful love the one in the corner.
18 Jun, 2017