Brugmasia 'Super Nova' - Super Nova Angel's Trumpets Flowers
By Delonix1

20 Jun, 2017
This Angel's Trumpets is a prolific bloomer. It blooms every month of the year, generally best flowering is in winter. Photo taken June 19, 2017.
Comments on this photo
Yes, a cool look but very hot temps today. I'm surprised the flowers aren't burned by now. Maybe because there's a lot of humidity in the air.
21 Jun, 2017
Same here Andy its like a kiln lol
Its good when you have humidity lets hope the flowers dont burn the weather is going from one extreme to another .
21 Jun, 2017
Wow! I've seen you've had some really hot weather. It's good for the plant that love heat. :>)) Not for the people who don't like heat, though.
It's been extremely hot here in the whole South-west. Yesterday, Octillo Wells (in eastern San Diego County) located in the desert had the hottest temp ever recorded officially in San Diego County. It was 124ºF (51.1ºC). There were unofficial reports of temps as high as 128ºF (53.3ºC) in the desert, though.
21 Jun, 2017
Yes I ve stayed in doors mainly lol there was a bit of cool wind yesterday morning now not much at all .
Wow 124 I feel for you all there.
I can imagine how hot it is there as Stan said the other day it was the hottest day of all time in June for where he is and Death Valley was the hottest in the world at 128
21 Jun, 2017
Yes, very hot everywhere this year. It's pretty unusual for it to be so hot in the UK, though, right? The temps you were getting are the average temps we have here in inland San Diego during summer. :>))
Where Stan lives it's actually been much hotter. I remember it being up to 111ºF (44ºC) a few times. I used to live in the same city as Stan for many years.
Yes, Death Valley, CA. is the hottest place on earth. Two days ago it was 128°F (53.3°C) this is not too far off the all-time high temp of 134 °F (56.7 °C). It's not too unusual for it to be this hot there in June or July, though.
22 Jun, 2017
Yes it is unusual to have it so hot especially with out the breeze the last heat wave was in 1976 that went on for months but we had breeze it was nt so humid the sun heat was different back then than now adays .
I bet you are glad your now in a cooler place than where you use to live where Stan lives now. Wow 134 I think I would hybernate in a fridge lol
22 Jun, 2017
I bet it's feels really hot when you're not used to such hot temps. 1976 is a long time since the last big heat wave. Wow!
Actually, it's much warmer here in San Diego on average where I live than where Stan lives. It can get very hot there in the San Francisco Bay Area during the heat waves, though (just like where I live).
23 Jun, 2017
Yes it is a long time in the 1990s we had it hot but not as hot as 1976 and only a few days a few weeks or days I dont count as a hest wave here. No most who can not afford to go abroad would not be use to this heat at all it affects the elderly s health here.
I can imagine it is hotter there Andy than wbete Stan is but if by the sea he will have the breeze.
24 Jun, 2017
I remember in the early 1980's (I think 1983) the UK had a really long, bad heatwave, also. My neighbor was from London and she was saying people were sweltering in the heat.
The breeze here is our saving grace. We get a nice breeze from the Pacific Ocean. If it wasn't for that breeze it would be a lot hotter all the time.
24 Jun, 2017
I know we have had hose pipe bans mainly in the south of the UK perhaps that was the one when your friend came over I am in the Midlands where Shakespeare the writer of plays lived county of Warwickshire I am in the city of Coventry in Warwickshire close to the centre of England we have different weather to the south and north of the UK.
Its good you have breeze I bet it would be hotter with out the breeze
24 Jun, 2017
Unfortunately, there's hardly any breeze today. It's been hot here. It is suppose to cool down to normal by Wednesday. Yay! :>)))
26 Jun, 2017
That is the kind if weather I can not bare I feel for you Andy.
At least you have the cool weather to look forward to sooner than later. .
27 Jun, 2017
I'm going to have to check the Daily Review archives..about 10 years ago they had a story on a woman who planted many type of Brugmansia lining her home.
I want to drive by now...Google,GPS,no getting lost anymore!
27 Jun, 2017
I know there's a lot of large Angel's Trumpets in Hayward.
28 Jun, 2017
Pictures by Delonix1
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This photo is of species Brugmasia 'Super Nova' - Super Nova Angel's Trumpets.
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Gorgeous I bet that gives a cool look to your garden
20 Jun, 2017