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'Dr Doom'

'Dr Doom'

This was a bonus plant. 10", DIP, by Gossard, and unfortunately a dormant type.

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Gorgeous effect and colours.

29 Jun, 2017


Lovely flower, not sure about name lol :-)

29 Jun, 2017


Gossard also did one called Dr Octopus. Both are these explosion of petals. With flowers like this and Firefly Frenzy, I will be expanding my DIP program a lot in the future.

29 Jun, 2017


Please Wylie, why 'unfortunate a dormant'? You are not in a frost zone!

29 Jun, 2017


Because the dormant types need a very cold period to do well, otherwise they slowly stop flowering, weaken, and never come back. While you never know, I have lost a couple which acted like dormants here. Double River Wye, on the other hand, is a dormant that is evergreen for me. When you spend €50+ on a new plant, you want it to have a very good chance of surviving.

30 Jun, 2017


Thank you for that info, Wylie, cause I would have assumed the other way around. Here in the south of the U.K., it is very rare to get snow and unusually to go below freezing for long. I will have to reappraise my thinking.
I have Double River Wye, first year to see a bloom, it tried to open, but never managed to!
Goodness, 50€, that would be an expensive loss.

30 Jun, 2017


If it gets down to freezing, you should be fine. It rarely gets to 5°C here, and then just for a night.
In the US, the new cultivars by big name hybridizers are starting to go for $200+. I think that you should set a budget and then pick the best you can fit into that budget, not the most. When I got Life is a Highway, it came out to €100 by the time IVA, shipping, and customs were added in.

30 Jun, 2017


Looks so unusual ...
I will have to look up the Dr's as Gossard is Pollies favorite at the moment as they do so well growing in the UK so she told me , if she doesn't have now in stock she could easily put in when ordering stock in the future.


1 Jul, 2017


Not so easy right now. There is a EU ban on importing daylilies and other plants that are a vector for the olive tree bacteria problems Italy is having.

1 Jul, 2017


Italy have Hive Beetle and looks like they have spread that around Europe ! so Bee keepers in the UK not happy I also read that agapanthus have a new gall midge that effects the bloom !!! just been found in the UK !!


1 Jul, 2017


I am glad the Azores is fairly isolated, although we do have Japanese Beetles that are destructive.

1 Jul, 2017

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