Adenium obesum - Desert Rose Flowering
By Delonix1

30 Jun, 2017
It's peak flowering for my desert rose. It loves the hot to very hot weather we've been having for two weeks here in inland San Diego, CA. Photo taken June 24, 2017.
Comments on this photo
Thank you! The shadow took away from this photo a little.
30 Jun, 2017
I thought the shadow showed the colour up better .☺
30 Jun, 2017
Mine is sadly loosing its leaves. Don't know why. We have had bad weather, extremely warm for this season...around 28C, combined with bad warm winds.
Today was the first rain in almost 2 weeks and now the temperature dropped to 15C.
The hibiscus is also loosing leaves.
1 Jul, 2017
To me it didn't seem that way with the shadow. lol! I'm glad you enjoyed it, though.
1 Jul, 2017
Desert Rose is a deciduous plant. It will typically loose its leaves during drought or in the winter (or most of its leaves).
Most tropical Hibiscus don't loose their leaves, though. So, maybe it's due to some bug, possibly? It definitely shouldn't be the cooler weather...tropical Hibiscus tolerates quite a bit of cold (in a subtropical climate).
1 Jul, 2017
I certainly did Andy
1 Jul, 2017
Great! :>))
2 Jul, 2017
2 Jul, 2017
Thanks for the informations.
3 Jul, 2017
You're welcome. :>)
3 Jul, 2017
Awesome color. I see you are having a long run of near 90f temps. We are in a solid 75f run.
Water-Ocean- temps just hit 60f here. Not coral reef temps.
5 Jul, 2017
Thanks! I really love this plant. It bloom so well every year. I hope to get some seed off of it this year. I got seed a 4 or 5 years ago. I don't know what I did with the seeds.
It's been hot and humid, hotter tomorrow and more humid as the strong monsoonal flower continues.
7 Jul, 2017
Looks Fab!
3 Dec, 2017
Thanks! It's one of my favorite flowering plants. It's too bad it grows so slowly. This plant is over 13 years old.
3 Dec, 2017
Andy,I thought this Plumeria with extra large leafs and dense is interesting. I notice too- a large amount of big dead Royal palms all over the city- next to healthy ones.
Freeze? or weevils?,-110.9696507,3a,48.1y,303.33h,95.25t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQSQbNmDxEF5i8xvDCBFv1A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
3 Dec, 2017
Maybe it was the severe drought, maybe? I can't imagine cold killing a Royal Palm and not killing the Plumeria tree. I know Royals have come back from much colder temps than Plumerias can tolerate without dying.
One of the Royal Palms which was planted in front of the Botanical Building back in 2009 died from the drought. It never got any water. Now, it looks odd with one on the left side only. I hope they do decide to replant another one to make it looks even.
This is when it was planted. It had about 8 feet of trunk.
5 Dec, 2017
Drought is possible. Homes might go for sale,and nothing is watered over the long hot summers. Even winters are warm and dry.
5 Dec, 2017
Yes, Royal palms can only take so much drought. They are native to tropical rain forest, that place is far from rain forest conditions.
8 Dec, 2017
I doubt they'll replace the palm if the drought persists. That would be throwing good money after bad. Eventually, it will all turn to desert seems like. We in NY are getting our first snow this weekend.
8 Dec, 2017
Most likely it will eventually be replaced. It's in an area where there's a lot of tourist. I just hope when it is replaced it will be watered.
Wow! Snow, I can't's been warm to hot and extremely dry here. The Santa Ana Winds are causing a tremendous of amount of destruction throughout Southern California. So many firestorms. :>(((
8 Dec, 2017
I'm tracking the fire situation very closely Andy. Every year seems worse than the last. Hasn't California totally burned by now?? Stay safe. I pray for rain for you.
8 Dec, 2017
The snow has made it to Brownsville Texas and into Mexico.
Here,we are warmer then average- well,milder at 65f vs 59f historically.
8 Dec, 2017
I can feel that frosty bite in the air which usually precedes a good snowfall. It's coming tomorrow - first storm of the season.
9 Dec, 2017
Fires are a part of nature here in the west. Compared to the size of California, the areas which have burned are such a little percentage of area.
Thanks for praying for rain! We need rain so desperately!
Well, it's another good beach weekend in San Diego. Low-to-mid 80's today and tomorrow at the beaches. It's feeling more like summer than winter.
9 Dec, 2017
I've seen some of the photos and clips from the news about tall the snowfall in the deep south. It's really incredible!
Hopefully, all those tropicals down in the deep south will survive!
9 Dec, 2017
Somebody told me that snow is beneficial to plants.
9 Dec, 2017
Bath,I saw a tweet of central park and NY today all in black and white..with a color camera.
Here- cool,hazy. We are worried about another drought year.
9 Dec, 2017
Yeh, it's a wet messy, slushy snow. Good day to stay indoors.
9 Dec, 2017
It's good for your plants. It's not good for the plants it would kill all my tropical plants! lol!
10 Dec, 2017
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