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Palmy House in Town.


By Stan510

Palmy House in Town.

30 years ago? These type of plants were never seen. Things have changed.

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They are lovely Stan .

30 Jun, 2017


Thanks Penny.It was foggy so the pic came out a bit serious. Those are some of the tallest tree ferns locally. Cyathea cooperi.

1 Jul, 2017


They are beauties Stan love how they give an effect of shaking of the leaves. The photo was fine Stan at leadt it was nt raining.

1 Jul, 2017


Believe-it-or-not, houses like this were seen in the SF Bay Area. I knew many homes from Palm Society members that had 20 or 30 species of palms. I joined the Palm Society in 1984.

Luckily more species of palms are much more available now days, though. :>))

5 Jul, 2017


The palm people were on to them..but its way different now. Queen palms and P.robellini are everywhere. Homes that have multiple plants of those are easy to find too. GBOP was not common then...its everyplace too.
This last winter was coldest since 2007. But,the toll was mostly on my potted marginals. What is in ground came out ok.
I just planted out the variegated Poinsettia and the Philippine firecracker Clerodendron. If they ever do well..its going to be in ground. Pots don't suit them long term.

5 Jul, 2017


Yes, the only place to purchase the very interesting palms way back when was at the Palm Society meetings. Many people would bring in their beautiful rare plants for sale.

What's GBOP? I'm so bad with acronyms! lol!

Clerodendrum quadriloculare is not the easiest plant to grow. My plant has never flowered in the many years it's been in the ground. It suffered so much from drought. I cut the whole top off and now it's looking so much better. I think it needs to be moved in to more sun, though. I don't think it'll be an easy plant to grow in the SF Bay Area. It doesn't like any cold at all.

11 Jul, 2017


Giant Bird of Paradise.
The Clerodendron is in more shade then sun. Best I could do. Its a letdown they wont bloom. I think they need a level of warm nights the bay area doesnt have. Or humid and warm. Its got a crazy habit of waiting until mid summer to shed old ugly leaves and regrow. Its on to some rain cycle from its homeland we dont have.

12 Jul, 2017


Ok. Thanks for clarifying it. :>))

I think Clerodendrum species like a lot of sun to flower. I don't know if they tolerate a lot of reflected sun, though. My Clerodendrum quadriloculare is planted under a huge Ficus and next to bananas. I don't think it gets enough nutrients.

13 Jul, 2017


I have to prune the Iochroma..its now wanting to absorb the Clerodendron already. I was going to plant it farther away..but I thought,If it takes? Its going to send runners into the C&S. I will just see how it goes.

13 Jul, 2017


My Clerodendrum quadriloculare sent out a lot of runners only one year. It hasn't since the extreme drought. Maybe this year it will send out runner so I can move one to another location.

Iochroma is a very vigorous growing shrub or tree.

16 Jul, 2017

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