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Electric Pink Cordyline.


By Stan510

Electric Pink Cordyline. (Cordyline banksii)

I think they like pink...

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Camouflage lol its gorgeous.

30 Jun, 2017


Ha! a good hideout for the Pink Panther..

30 Jun, 2017


? good one Stan.

30 Jun, 2017


Nice Bougainvillea and Cycas revoluta, also.

5 Jul, 2017


The tropical growing. When I see a garden actually have an effort to be landscaped? I see the tropical look much more then not.
Spring came and went..rare was the Rhodo or Azalea. Even the Walmarts,the HD's dont see those plants much.
Everybody seems to know,drought is always a the dry tropics or tough wet tropics plants like Queen palms and Sago's go in.

6 Jul, 2017


I did notice quite a few King and Queen palms planted up there. I love seeing that! I remember when they weren't very common.

11 Jul, 2017


That's what I tell people. A queen palm in the 70's was a site to see. Now,its if one is nice- plant five. In some yards,lol. People like that look. Too many great C&S plants and palms that get by on less water to ignore.
I wish I had planted some Phoenix silvestris..I see them in Florida photos,and they look great.. a drought tolerant palm also.
When I hit that lotto,I'm going to have some day.

12 Jul, 2017


Yes, it's definitely a different landscape look now compared to the 70's. The one thing I never liked about living in Hayward is that the city was so anti-palm! I knew some people on the board and they hated palms. This is why I moved to Fremont because they moved their palms instead of cutting them all down like in Hayward.

16 Jul, 2017


All the new mostly dull. Then you get to Union City and Fremont- Nelson Kirk has exotic tree's everywhere. Silk Floss,Bottle tree's hard to find Auracaria's,Tipu's..on and on. Even Mission blvd in UC to Fremont has a half mile line of Wine and Windmill palms
I wish I had more room. But,I guess be thankful I have a home period is more important.
Still-lol,Darn..if my front yard wasnt so small. Too risky for blue cycads and all that.

16 Jul, 2017


Yes, I've seen some of the more recent plantings in Fremont and Union City and the South Bay. It's pretty impressive. I'm glad people are able to plant them. :>))

17 Jul, 2017

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This photo is of species Cordyline banksii.

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