Calendula Oopsy Daisy
By Bathgate

30 Jun, 2017
Comments on this photo
lol funny
30 Jun, 2017
? its what we say to kids over here when they fall.
30 Jun, 2017
Yeh it's been said to me many times. I was always falling down, knocking myself up, breaking bones, etc. I heard that word often
30 Jun, 2017
You ll have to take better care of your self or get the nick name Oopsy Daisy.?
1 Jul, 2017
lol I wouldn't want that written on my Marriage Certificate - Engraved on my tomb stone- "Oopsy Daisy"
2 Jul, 2017
?? no it would nt sound good on your marriage certificate would it but on your tomb stone it would be a good laugh I can imagine it saying
Here lay s the man Oopsy Daisy who always fell
Now he is sticking up a Daisy s in the dell lol
2 Jul, 2017
lol you're very clever...and like Hilary Clinton who lost the election because she ignored Michigan & Wisconsin and is singing the blues as she hugs a bottle of Chardonnay...Oopsy Daisy!
2 Jul, 2017
Hick ups Oopsy Daisy lol polititains are all the same now out to feather their own nest or their business mates deals sad to say. I write poetry automatic writing what I feel at the time.
2 Jul, 2017
Setting life to poetic justice is an amazing skill.
3 Jul, 2017
One of my poems which is on Free Library .com
This stemmed from children walking around no laughter or content now because how society has made every thing money oriented
WHEN I was young in the summer time, All the summer the sun did shine, Thunderstorms with yellow red skies, A masterpiece before my eyes.
Holidays down by the sea, Always happy as can be, A bucket and spade and have a splash, Never had to spend any cash.
A ride in the car if we behave, Up to Corley to explore the cave, Then from trees the leaves did fall, A golden carpet that covered the floor.
Collecting conkers from the tree, Playing conkers all for free, Then from heaven lace came down, No matter where you look to all around.
Making snowballs from this lace, Building a snowman with a funny face, Spring time came the rain came down, Not one bit of lace could be found.
Up popped snowdrops like a little bell, Crocuses, daffodils, some did smell, Picking bluebells as many as we could, Having a picnic in Crackley Wood.
Down to the park to have a swing and slide, Make a den for us to hide, Ball and skipping that's all we had, Not very much but we were glad.
Cut out cardboard to put inside my shoes, Cause Ma couldn't afford to buy us new, All of this we were content, Take note! Not a penny spent.
I have many others some what some would class as political Carboard City is one.
3 Jul, 2017
very nice, thanks !
3 Jul, 2017
3 Jul, 2017
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Pretty I said Oopsy Daisy to a child who fell the other day ?
30 Jun, 2017