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Red Admiral Butterfly.

Red Admiral Butterfly.

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Very nice "Red admiral" lets hope they have a better year than last ...


19 Jul, 2017


Thank you Gnarly gnome I ve adjusted the name lol. Thanks. Yes I hope so.

19 Jul, 2017


Nice to see the butterfly, 3pb.
Did Red Admirals have a hard time last year? I seem to recall plenty, but I might be mistaken.

19 Jul, 2017


Not here they did nt Siris as at the rear of my house is a wild life conservation.

19 Jul, 2017


I love to see butterflies, but seem to have seen nearly all Cabbage Whites this year. I wonder why?

20 Jul, 2017


I think a number of things can contribute Waddy one not a lot of rain as butterflies like to lay their eggs under damp leaves hence why I wet the leaves while watering another pesticides but mainly I feel all our green belts and waste lands are being destroyed locally gor building houses.
We had a wild waste bit of land top of my lane all the wild life birds butterfly fox s use to use it they built houses and bungalows on it now you never see a fox here birds singing less butterflys up there now.

20 Jul, 2017


Thanks 3d I didn't know that about laying their eggs. I do try to plant flowers I know they like and in the past I've had lots of other types of 'flies other than the Cabbage White. Perhaps it is the lack of rain...

21 Jul, 2017


Neither did I know If it rains to much it deters them coming Waddy here s the flowers the best for Painted Lady s are Thistles they also love Oxide Daisy and of course the Butterfly bush Nettles for the speckle wood they all prefer the wild flowers best which with all this building houses on our green belt dont help.

21 Jul, 2017


Thanks 3d ☺

24 Jul, 2017


Your welcome Waddy ☺

24 Jul, 2017

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