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Vera,the thornless Bougainvillea..


By Stan510

Vera,the thornless Bougainvillea.. (Bougainvillea spectabilis)

It tends to bloom in flushes rather then the non stop of in ground plants. It also will stop if disturbed by either repotting or- and I have seen this- knocked over by cats. That was enough for it to stop for a few weeks.

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Thats great you can get a thornless one wonderful colour shame cats keep knocking it over.

31 Jul, 2017


I find myself Penny trying to tie things down,put blocking rockwork or even try various wire fencing to keep cats away. I'm getting better at it and far more creative!

1 Aug, 2017


I hope you succeed Stan as you say your getting better at it cats dont like rose thorns spikes things.

1 Aug, 2017


Eh,dont want that- I could get poked. I tend to forget things like that. Cats seem to stay away from various wiry things bent to discourage them from walking around or over.

7 Aug, 2017


lol Stan that's interesting they don't like wire things.

7 Aug, 2017


It looks great!

9 Aug, 2017

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