Poor unhappy tree
By Pamelaanne
- 31 Jul, 2017
Comments on this photo
No, that is the actual tree. It was far too big and at the other end of the garden in a pot, so I moved the pot with it in, replanted it where you see it, and took the top off. I don't think it liked what I did to it! :D
1 Aug, 2017
Do you know what it was? Looks too big to have been it a pot.
3 Aug, 2017
No, I don't know what it was, but it was fine until I moved it. I had to replant it still in the pot, as I couldn't get it out of it. The roots had grown through the pot.
3 Aug, 2017
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This photo is of "Tree" in Pamelaanne's garden
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Oh dear has the branch broken but not fell to the ground yet, it certainly looks a dead branch...
31 Jul, 2017