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(Black White Delight x Julie s Choice) x Gilded by Grace

(Black White Delight x Julie s Choice) x Gilded by Grace

This probably flowered before and was unremarkable, so I never took a photo. But now it has that wonderful edge Gilded by Grace likes to pass on.

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Gorgeous very friĺly.

1 Aug, 2017


As you say, wonderful edge, and an intense pink colour.

1 Aug, 2017


Stunning! The edge is amazing.

2 Aug, 2017


There are a lot of seedlings in flower that have Gilded By Grace as a pollen parent, and they all have this great edge on them.

2 Aug, 2017


Beautiful! Definitely not unremarkable! !

2 Aug, 2017


Flowers can change a lot from the first bloom to a re-bloom, and it takes 3-4 years for them to settle in to how they will look. I am getting several first year flowers on the seedlings I started in January, and they may or may not look the same next year.

3 Aug, 2017


I didn't know strange.

5 Aug, 2017

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