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Pisonia umbellifera 'Variegata' - Map Plant

 Pisonia umbellifera 'Variegata' - Map Plant (Pisonia umbellifera 'Variegata' - Map Plant)

This beautiful variegated Polynesian shrub is really popular here. It does well in semi-sun or light shade. Photo taken at the San Diego Zoo on July 25, 2017.

Comments on this photo


Stunning what a blue.

3 Aug, 2017


It's white and green. The blue is a light. lol! :>))

4 Aug, 2017


Lol well the light looks pretty it is because on my phone the blue and white stands out more . Now I have enlarged the picture I can see the beautiful varigted leaves beautiful varigation

4 Aug, 2017


Yes, this tree or shrub is very beautiful! I've always wanted one. I know it's easy from cuttings. It's always for sale at nurseries, though. One day I'll buy one. :>))

4 Aug, 2017


I would of asked the zoo for a cutting they can only say now but then I am cheeky like that if my mum was alive she would of pinched a bit lol

4 Aug, 2017


I think some people do take seed and little cuttings of trees or plants. It's forbidden, though. There's cameras everywhere, also.

5 Aug, 2017


I can understand cuttings being forbidden in case of disease but not seeds . No harm in asking though.

5 Aug, 2017


There's no one to ask. Most people do take seeds, though.

7 Aug, 2017


lol yo need me there Andy I would find some one. No harm in taking fallen seeds.

7 Aug, 2017


That's the way I feel. :>))

9 Aug, 2017


9 Aug, 2017

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