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(Amber Rhum x Kazoo) x Natchez Lace

(Amber Rhum x Kazoo) x Natchez Lace

A first year bloomer. It looks like Natchez Lace is going to be a winner for passing on its very ruffled edge.

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Stunning frilly edge to

7 Aug, 2017


In years past, few of my flowers had any real edge to them, so I have been trying to fix that. This year, using Gilded by Grace and Sad Sack really paid off. Next year there will be a lot using Natchez Lace and Michigan Nikki.

7 Aug, 2017


I think we all learn from our plants over the years Wylie especially people like your self who enjoy crossing plants let s hope you get good edges from your learning just a shame for years you 've had ones with not a real good edge to them. I recently have acquired one called Daring Deception I am hoping when it flowers it will have a frilly edge like the picture shows.

7 Aug, 2017


DD was one of the first I got bought when I got into daylilies. It is open today, and has a nice wire edge. I'll take a photo of the next flower to open on it. It is re-blooming for me.

7 Aug, 2017


That's great you 've got one and it's reflowering for you I shall look forward to seeing it thank you.Wylie ☺

7 Aug, 2017

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