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Fuoco del Sole x Sad Sack

Fuoco del Sole x Sad Sack

This is on the save list. There are 3 flowers and one more behind; all on the same scape.

Comments on this photo


Looks impressive


8 Aug, 2017


I measured them, and they are 7" flowers on a 48" scape. Wylie's Big and Tall?

8 Aug, 2017



8 Aug, 2017


Wow and those frills are great.

8 Aug, 2017


Thats even better with the size of scape and flower , I thought you would have something "Azores" in the name or related to the islands.


9 Aug, 2017


This year, one was related, the other was 'Neighborhood Watcher'. I have to work my name in somewhere, so I keep that in the back of my mind.

9 Aug, 2017


How about

Wylies fiery tower

9 Aug, 2017

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