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Carica papaya 'Solo' - Solo Papaya

Carica papaya 'Solo' -  Solo Papaya (Carica papaya 'Solo' -  Solo Papaya)

This house had some really tall solo papayas. They're usually loaded with fruit. Photo taken in San Diego, CA. on August 6, 2017.

Comments on this photo


Lobely shape a nd foilage to it.

9 Aug, 2017


Unfortunately, it's not a very good pic, though. I sun was in the back of the plants.

9 Aug, 2017


I can see them ok yes having the sun behind you is best.

9 Aug, 2017


Yes, definitely. I'm going to post photo of my papayas. They have gotten big and they have fruit this year. YAY!
Last year they had no fruit because of the severe drought.

11 Aug, 2017


That's great making up for none last year then I shall look out for your picture.☺

11 Aug, 2017


Thanks! I'll post a few tonight.

13 Aug, 2017


Thanks Andy I 'll watch out for them

14 Aug, 2017


Thanks! :>))

16 Aug, 2017


16 Aug, 2017


And with Dragon Fruit. Those are huge Papayas.

25 Aug, 2017


I see so many large ones like this while driving to work. I noticed in this one open garden that one of the two very nice very large papaya plants were gone. It was loaded with hundreds of fruit. I need to get a pic of it, one day. This same garden area has a beautiful Jackfruit.

I see so many huge dragon fruit vines when driving to work. I can't believe how many grow this fruit.

I have one large dragon fruit which is almost ready to pick. I'll post it when I cut it.

25 Aug, 2017

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