Tetrapanax Rex
By Amy

13 Aug, 2017
At last its beginning to grow ...
Comments on this photo
I hope so Mari ,I'd love to see it at its fullest height & size ..
14 Aug, 2017
Will you be potting it up?
14 Aug, 2017
I'm not sure that I would like to risk moving it now Mari ..
14 Aug, 2017
Probably best to leave until dormant if poss.
14 Aug, 2017
It seems to like it there Amy looks healthy to.
14 Aug, 2017
Did you start it from seed, Amy? Or root cuttings?
15 Aug, 2017
I agree Mari ,I'm pleased 3p it's just beginning to take off
It was a tiny plant I bought at a closing down sale Lori I had to rescue it giving it a chance ....
15 Aug, 2017
It will soon get big Amy you got a good buy.
16 Aug, 2017
I love rescue stories, Amy. Seems it's found a good home.
18 Aug, 2017
For the time being Lori Lol ...
18 Aug, 2017
Don't move it Amy, they'd resent being disturbed......are you sure you've any to see it at its ultimate height lol!!
18 Aug, 2017
I have seen them at their full height Angela at the Urban Jungle plant Nursery here in Norfolk at least I assume they're full height huge foliage & tall ,if I was starting over again I would spend all my pennies there Lol ..its a fantastic place ,https://www.urbanjungle.uk.com/
19 Aug, 2017
Have just put a pic on of ours for you Amy!!...I have bought plants from Urban Jungle in the past.
19 Aug, 2017
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This photo is of "Tetrapanax Rex " in Amy's garden
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It'll surely get going now.
13 Aug, 2017