The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Grey Cereus.


By Stan510

Grey Cereus. (Cereus peruvianus)

Its one of those.

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A beauty

22 Aug, 2017


Very nice! You should post a photo of the gigantic one off 580 in San Leandro. I know that cactus must be 100 years old.

25 Aug, 2017


Thanks Penny. It has good form.

Andy,I have take a new photo of that one in S.L. Can't miss it from the highway.

25 Aug, 2017


Your welcome Stan ☺

25 Aug, 2017


I know it's a giant of among cacti in the SF Bay Area. I've taken stills of it, oh probably 30 years ago. I remember there was an article written about it in The Daily Review, if I'm not mistaken many years ago.

Would you say it's more than 50' tall?

25 Aug, 2017

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This photo is of species Cereus peruvianus.

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