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Optical Art x Reflections in Time

Optical Art x Reflections in Time

This one always looks best in late summer.

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I think it's a beauty now ? gorgeous course and frills it's a lovely cream colour

21 Aug, 2017


It is acting like it is late summer. I noticed the Acidanthra is starting to bloom and the Rhodophiala has put up flower stalks, and the winter-growing bulbs are starting to sprout!

23 Aug, 2017


Same here Wylie strange weather it's more like Autumn or even Spring some days when it should be summer.
That's great your Acidanthra and Rhodophiala are starting to sprout up more photo s sooner then?

23 Aug, 2017


I'll have more photos if the cats don't destroy them first. I have a new Amaryllis belladonna 'Rose Fonce' that is a darker pink than the normal one. The cats went out to play in an area after I weeded it and destroyed one flower stalk. Fortunately, there is a second bulb that is almost open.

23 Aug, 2017


Lol with your cat family I hope they don't go near any Lilys I bet you wished you had nt weeded the area now . The Amarllis belladonna 'Rose Fonce sounds lovely I shall look forward to seeing it.

24 Aug, 2017

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