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Large cloud pruning.....

Large cloud pruning..... (Cloud Pruned Box.)

This has been hidden behind an enormous Euphorbia Mellifera for the last four years, so it should really get going now!!

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Flat top clouds, cumulo nimbus?

20 Aug, 2017


I have no idea you know more than I do!!

20 Aug, 2017 you recall me cloud pruning my myrtle? Well that went out the window. Far too much work keeping it in shape! Yours looks great...maybe I shoud have another bash...

20 Aug, 2017


I like it, its a living sculpture ,very eye catching ...

20 Aug, 2017


This gets pruned once a year, in fact it hadn't been pruned for four years! couldn't get to it! Karen have another go, it's great fun, have started two more projects, will put a picture on of the latest!
Amy it can only improve now it has some space....

21 Aug, 2017


Yes, think I will thanks. It looks very boring at the moment!

21 Aug, 2017


You're right Dd, it needs space around it to appreciate the form.

22 Aug, 2017

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This photo is of species Cloud Pruned Box..

This photo is of "Cloud Pruned Box...." in Dottydaisy2's garden

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