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Tibouchina heteromalla - Silver-leafed Princess Flower

Tibouchina heteromalla - Silver-leafed Princess Flower (Tibouchina heteromalla - Silver-leafed Princess Flower)

There's many of these shrubs flowering in Balboa Park, San Diego right now. They such ornamental shrubs for any garden. Photo taken Aug. 27, 2017.

Comments on this photo


Wow that is stunning.

28 Aug, 2017


It's a pretty common shrub here. I've posted many on GoY in the past. :>))

29 Aug, 2017


Common to you but not me lol.

29 Aug, 2017


Yes, I know it's relative. :>)) It's a tropical shrub. It will tolerate just above freezing, below freezing it will die to the ground. If it doesn't stay cold for a long time, most likely it will come back from the roots.

30 Aug, 2017


So it could survive here if protected with lots of fallen leaves covering it over winter.

30 Aug, 2017


Most likely it wouldn't grow there; however, you never know until it's tried.

31 Aug, 2017


Just read about it says it can tolerate a light frost it would be ok here then if over wintered in a frost place which I have nt got lol.

31 Aug, 2017


Yes, it can tolerate a very light frost, from what I've read. I'm guessing a very established plant would come back from the roots, if it didn't get too cold.

2 Sep, 2017


Thank you Andy if I see one I might try it.

2 Sep, 2017


Yes, it would be worth a try. :>))

3 Sep, 2017


I can but try in a pot if I can find one.

3 Sep, 2017


Yes, I wonder if it's available there.

4 Sep, 2017


I have been looking locally prehaps the net might do it.

4 Sep, 2017


Yes, most likely on the internet.

5 Sep, 2017


I have nt found it yet but I shall keep trying

5 Sep, 2017


I saw several at Quail Botanical Gardens today. I really like this shrub.

6 Sep, 2017


I see one coming home with you Andy lol you ll have to get one.

6 Sep, 2017


LOL! No, I'll just enjoy the ones around San Diego. :>))

7 Sep, 2017


You could always put one by your front door in a pot.

7 Sep, 2017


By the front door there's already dozens of plants. No more room for any more plants there. lol!

10 Sep, 2017


Lol shame you have nt the room for one .

11 Sep, 2017


Yes, I know. I was just given several large very interesting plumeria variety cuttings yesterday. I need to find a place to put them. LOL!

12 Sep, 2017


Thats fantastic Andy jope they do well you ll have to find a place for them defienatly.

13 Sep, 2017


When I plant them, I'll post some pics. I'm still trying to decide where. :>))

15 Sep, 2017


lol you ll have to get a bigger garden thanks for letting me know you will be posting pictures of them.

15 Sep, 2017


Yes, new house and bigger garden. Lol! :>))

18 Sep, 2017


lol Defiently I would prefer smaller home bigger garden .

19 Sep, 2017


I want both! LOL! :>))

20 Sep, 2017


Bigger house means more house work unless youother half loves house work I would sooner smaller house more out bildings and a big green house but you would nt need a green house San diego is a one big one lol

20 Sep, 2017


If I had a lot of money for a large house and big property I would have a house-cleaner. lol!

22 Sep, 2017


Lol thats what my daughter has said if they van afford big houses they can afford some one to clean it . I hope you would treat your cleaner with respect and a decent wage if she is a good cleaner unlike I ve been treated when I ve been a cleaner even though I use to be a qualified typist for the biggest electrial company in the UK when younger you never know what fate throws at you.

22 Sep, 2017


No blooms on mine this year.

28 Sep, 2017



I used to have a house cleaner every other week. Although, it's been a few years since I had one. I do miss her...she was such a terrific cleaner!

29 Sep, 2017



Do you have Tibouchina heteromalla?

29 Sep, 2017


No, T.urvilleana. Probably the best bet with our climate.

29 Sep, 2017


Thats nice to hear you miss your house cleaner.

29 Sep, 2017



That's a really beautiful tree, also. It grows here, also.

30 Sep, 2017



Yes, I did really like her work.

30 Sep, 2017


I am pleased to hear you had a good house cleaner Andy.

30 Sep, 2017

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This photo is of species Tibouchina heteromalla - Silver-leafed Princess Flower.

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