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Aechmea fasciata - Silver vase or Urn plant

Aechmea fasciata - Silver vase or Urn plant (Aechmea fasciata - Silver vase or Urn plant)

My bromeliad is very easy to grow, and it's been there for years. The stems take about two years to flower. The flower on the left started flowering in April and the one on the right just starting flowering. It's growing below the giant Jacaranda tree in the front yard. Photo taken Aug. 27, 2017.

Comments on this photo


Thats a beauty Andy a good one to have in flower for so long.

28 Aug, 2017


Yes, the flowers last almost a year. It's such an easy plant to grow, even in the ground.

28 Aug, 2017


I had a bromeliad as an indoor plant years ago when the flower died off it did nt produce another flower but it was different to this one.

28 Aug, 2017


Most bromeliads produce off shoots when they bloom then the blooming stem dies. These plants will most likely die sometime next year. As the flowers last a very long time.

29 Aug, 2017


Yes I tried an off shoot I never got any thing from that either so in the bin it went.

29 Aug, 2017


They seem to always be in bloom once the clump gets a good size. GREAT Broms to have.

30 Aug, 2017



It can take a while before they get going.

31 Aug, 2017


This one doesn't flower every year.

31 Aug, 2017


Thank you Andy I try another then if I can find one..

31 Aug, 2017


Most Bromeliads are very easy to grow. This one needs very little care.

4 Sep, 2017


Thats good to know they need little care wish they would grow out doors here they are house plants here.

4 Sep, 2017


Yes, they do very well outdoors here. I used to have these closer to the house, until they got crowded out by other plants. lol!

5 Sep, 2017


Yes they would look nice against the house shame they got crowded out by other plants.

5 Sep, 2017


They look pretty good against the Jacaranda trunk, also.

6 Sep, 2017


Yes the beautiful dark trunk I can see it makes it stand out.

6 Sep, 2017


The trunk is actually pretty light-colored.

7 Sep, 2017


It looks silvery with a bits of dark in it.

7 Sep, 2017


Yes, that's why the common name is Silver Vase. :>))

10 Sep, 2017


Yes I can see that now lovely name to.

11 Sep, 2017


Yes, I really like this bromeliad. Someone gave me this a long time ago.

12 Sep, 2017


So do I ? that was kind of them to give it you.

13 Sep, 2017


Yes, I'm given plants all the time. I give a lot away, also.

20 Sep, 2017


Great community you have there Andy only a few men here will do this where I live I gave 3 Acer trees to a man up the lane he gave me a wild orchid prior which was kind of him.

20 Sep, 2017


So many people are willing to share their plants...especially Plumerias.

22 Sep, 2017


That is lovely to know that the Plumerias are so popular for sharing between you all.

22 Sep, 2017


Yes, it's a very loved shrub or tree here. Lately, I see one, two or three in people's from yard gardens. This is how popular they are here.

27 Sep, 2017


I am sure if we had the weather they would be popular here to Andy.

27 Sep, 2017


Yes, it's a very popular, common tree or shrub in tropical and subtropical climates.

29 Sep, 2017


I can see why they are an eye catcher and gorgeous.

30 Sep, 2017


Yes, they flower a long time and the flowers have usually have an incredible scent.

2 Oct, 2017


Yes I recall you saying before.

2 Oct, 2017

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