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Begonia 'Richmondensis' - Richmond Begonia

Begonia 'Richmondensis' - Richmond Begonia (Begonia 'Richmondensis' - Richmond Begonia)

Richmond Begonia is an extraordinary plant. It's hardy, sun-tolerant, grows and flowers here all year. You can't ask for more. It grows to just under 3' (76 cm) tall. There's several colors. Photo taken in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. on Aug. 27, 2017.

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Pretty and effective looks like a Begonia with the leaves.

28 Aug, 2017


It's a very common begonia here in California.

28 Aug, 2017


Ahrr so it is a Begonia a special one.

28 Aug, 2017


No, not a special Begonia. It's a very common variety. It's typically grown as an annual in colder areas. Here it lives for many years, though.

29 Aug, 2017


Oh just shows how they react to a different climate.

29 Aug, 2017


Last month I planted out my old potted "Dragon Wings" Begonia. It got sparse in a now it seems to be doing well. Not sure its getting enough sun..but more and I would have to water it all the time. A compromise.

4 Sep, 2017


Yes, they usually do so much better in the ground.

5 Sep, 2017


Andy,after 4 days of September Hayville is averaging a high of 97f and low of 69f-lol. Oh man,that is so out there. Never would have predicted that.

5 Sep, 2017


3 miles from the bay. Amazing.

5 Sep, 2017



That's insane! Hopefully, the heat will get the tropicals growing fast!

5 Sep, 2017


If I can keep up with the water demand..and its not been easy for the large leafed Guava's,Ferns,Hydrangea's,Sunflowers,Iochroma.
Get this- at 108 the Red leafed Banana had burned leafs. Its a mountain Banana and could not take that heat. The green leafed edible banana had no problems with high heat.

6 Sep, 2017


Yes, watering has been a huge chore here. Even with the humidity being high the temps are high, also. Everything dries out fast.

Banana leaves can be burned very easily in such high temps, especially if the humidity is low.

8 Sep, 2017

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This photo is of species Begonia 'Richmondensis' - Richmond Begonia.

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