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Guzmania, Dracaena, Neoregelia and Ctenanthe species

Guzmania, Dracaena, Neoregelia and Ctenanthe species (Guzmania, Dracaena, Neoregelia, Ctenanthe)

These are all over the gardens. So many species of these genera. Photo taken at Quail B. G. on Sept. 5, 2017.

Comments on this photo


Such a pretty flower with nice foliage.

6 Sep, 2017


I had a huge clump of that Ctenanthe here. Then,gophers. I dug up what was left- a single small clump that wouldn't even fill a 8" pot. Mind you,it used to look that that one in the photo. One day again. I thought it might have all been eaten so at least I have something.

7 Sep, 2017


Penny, Thanks :>))

8 Sep, 2017


Yes, I really love Ctenanthe species! I used to have the one with red, pink, green and white leaves. I had it in the front yard for years...unfortunately, it succumbed in the severe drought. I am definitely going to get another and maybe mix it with the green and yellow leaf one above. I think it would look terrific! ...or maybe I might get some of the miniature Dracaena deremensis hybrids from above. I love that look!

I won't use the Guzmania. I would use Neoregelia, though.

8 Sep, 2017


Your welcome Andy ☺

8 Sep, 2017


I have the tri color also Andy. It used to be a houseplant. It took about 8 years for me to decide to try it outdoors.
They like as warm a shade as possible. Its grown enough that a few months ago I divided it into 2 pots. More compact than indoors..and indoors it would send up tall canes. Outdoors,I haven't seen that.
I have to post photos of that. It does not look like something that could be grown here. But,if placed right,it will.

8 Sep, 2017


This one above seems to tolerate more sun. I remember seeing this plant grow so well at the Palmetum in Oakland. It did very well there.

My Ctenanthe 'Tricolor' died a few years ago during the drought. It just got smaller and smaller until it died. I had it in the ground in the front for years.

Here's a pic from 2013.

9 Sep, 2017


That's the one Tricolor. I'm sure if I put it in ground..that would be the end. Gophers or going too dry. I have them in larger pots then average and with saucers under it so I can always have it in some water. Beautiful plants.

9 Sep, 2017


Yes, Ctenanthe 'Tricolor' needs regular water or it'll not do well.

10 Sep, 2017


Hot today and I will say- the hottest 10 day run of weather in September in Hayward,ever. Probably the rest of the bay area too..but its getting sundown and still near 90f outside.
Tropicals love it. Iochroma,Ensente Maurelli,Brugmansia dont ..and I notice the Dendrobium kingii looked a little stressed. It might have been the 108f results ( humidity dropped to 15%) on that usually tough orchid.

11 Sep, 2017


I do remember a lot of hot weather in September in the Bay Area. I don't think I remember so many warm nights, though. The lows were very similar to San Diego (upper 60's and low-to-mid 70's). The climate up there is really changing.

I commented on your pic how hot and humid the weather has been here. So many people are complaining.

12 Sep, 2017

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This photo is of species Guzmania, Dracaena, Neoregelia, Ctenanthe.

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