cleared rock shelf...
By Lori

8 Sep, 2017
future site of my tower.
Comments on this photo
Oh Gosh Lori I wouldn't know where to start , do you have
a plan ,is this the front ?
17 Sep, 2017
Yes, Amy, this is the downhill front... There is a garage/shed between this and the house... at some time in the future I want to move the garage.
I'm not absolutely certain, but I think, from observation, that our hill must have been the top part of an ancient caldera. This is a folded over section of a huge flow. farther up the hill I've found boulders with garnets and amethyst in them. This vein of quartzite it very pristine white.
17 Sep, 2017
Thanks 3d... we've had 5 days of warm weather and the midges (we call them "no-see-ums") have driven me away from outdoor work. It's as bad as early spring with blackflies and mosquitoes. I'm itching to get back at it, though... heh! heh! ;-)
17 Sep, 2017
I hope you get back to do it Lori is nt there a deterent you can put on to deter the critters. I bought some wipes lemon eucalyptus that deters insects and mosquitoes as I was being bitten by them from my water feature.
19 Sep, 2017
I would spend all my time looking for garnets & amethyst and any other treasures Lol . do you have a machine to roll / tumble them to smooth them into usable gems Lori ...
20 Sep, 2017
Hmmm... lemon/eucalyptus sounds great, Dawn...will have to look for it. I often take a piece of mint and rub it on exposed skin...not sure it deters midges but I happened to find that mint deters spiders in the house. Maybe a trip to the local florist will turn up some eucalyptus.
Years ago my Dad's hobby was polishing stones, Amy... he had a barrel sized tumbler which he cobbled together with an electric motor and some automotive fan belts! I have some of the small pieces of quartz and river pebbles that he polished. He took us to Lake Superior to hunt along the beaches and rocky shorelines for agates. Wicked little squalls come up frequently on Superior and you have to keep your eyes open ...we walked the sand bars staring down at our feet and almost got caught by the wind and the driven rain! We made a dash for the car and just made it..the rain was coming at us sideways. I have an agate brooch that my sister cut and polished for me.
21 Sep, 2017
Yes that would be a good idea may be you could make your own postion up from the florist.
22 Sep, 2017
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Looking great Lori
8 Sep, 2017