Dimocarpus longan - Longan or Dragon's Eye
By Delonix1

9 Sep, 2017
1 like
This is one of my favorite fruits. I can eat a pound at each siting when in season during summer. This tree still didn't have ripe fruit at Quail B. G. Photo taken Sept. 5, 2017.
Comments on this photo
It is refreshing and sweet. It has a soft, gelatinous texture.
9 Sep, 2017
Those are fast growers in...of course Fremont-lol. At the exotic fruit garden of Quarry Lakes. I was shocked really to see them 15' or so.
They seem to be adapted almost as well as the Avocado and Citrus but for the Longan drops most of its foliage in winter.
Must come back strong in summer.
9 Sep, 2017
Thank you Andy for explaining their texture and taste I am suprised they are not sold as sweets to children.
10 Sep, 2017
I have never seen any Longan trees growing in the SF Bay Area. I think it's about the same hardiness as Lychee. I know Lychee trees grow in the SF Bay Area and produce fruit.
10 Sep, 2017
You're welcome. I would think children would love the fruit. It's like eating candy. :>))
10 Sep, 2017
I have to dig up a photo from 2 years ago in Jan. Pretty sure its a Longan.
I hope its not on the old hardrive thats a goner.
10 Sep, 2017
I found them...I'm going to blog post em. More photos on one page. You tell me Andy what you think they are.
10 Sep, 2017
I look forward to seeing the blog. I would guess they can be grown up there. I wouldn't think they would loose leaves in winter, though (not unless it was unusually cold).
12 Sep, 2017
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25 May, 2016
They must be refreshing and tasty then they look like a soft wax inside or inside of a goiseberry and the black seed inside about as big as our 5p piece.
9 Sep, 2017