More Mango updates..
By Stan510

12 Sep, 2017
Believe me,these are like hens teeth in the bay area. I didn't exactly get a box worth (7),but compared to years past,the fruit are larger and very near the size of yellow Manila Mangoes in Markets. I imagine as this tree fills out,one day they will all be full sized and more of them.
The photo is missing the bottom 4' of the plant.
Its gotten to a place that I thought would never happen. Still a long ways to go until I'm sure its weather and drought proof.
Comments on this photo
Its looking good Stan so pleased you got 7 mangos off it lets hope you it getting bigger for bigger fruit
13 Sep, 2017
This variety doesn't make big Mangoes Penny..but it does make very sweet fiber less Mango fruit. One year,it will be loaded on a real tree and I can look back and think..finally. I might be in a wheelchair in the old folks home by then..but..wink.
13 Sep, 2017
Ahrr I did nt realise there were different types Stan your s sound lovely tasting being fiber less.
13 Sep, 2017
This is a marginal climate for them. So,if its bad that they seem to grow a bit slow- you really have to make sure what growth you get you don't lose to winter frost.
At this size- unless they say a real arctic freeze is moving in,a normal near freeze frost does no real damage.
If they didn't taste so good,I wouldn't bother!..but they do come through on taste.
But- I still want a plum and apricot tree in another side yard. Love those too.
13 Sep, 2017
Wow, you finally did it :-). Made my mouth water when you said about the taste. Wish I could swap you one of my plum trees lol. Get too many fruit on them that they break the branches lol.
14 Sep, 2017
I hope it survives your winters Stan.
Yes an Apricote and Plum tree will be great.
14 Sep, 2017
The flush has gotten larger and redder. I feel a few more updates will be needed-wink.
14 Sep, 2017
I shall watch out for your updates Stan.
15 Sep, 2017
Your mango tree looks wonderful! I bet those mangoes are going to tastes very good.
As it grows older it will definitely produce a lot more fruit. Mango is such a long-lived tree.
I did read that where the mango flowers the old flower stalks should be removed's because that part of the mango tree is very susceptible to diseases. I think there's a Ytube video from the University of Miami on it. I was actually very surprised to learn that information.
I just posted a pic of my small potted mango tree. It just got through flushing growth. I'm thinking about planting it into the ground.
18 Sep, 2017
Thanks Penny,Andy. I was looking up close and its actually a triple trunked tree with some minor shoots I can cut off next year.
The more I prune the Sapote and Banana- you can see the light level in this little yard go up. Its a little bit too a heat sink in summer. A hot spot.
If any of you ever would be shocked at much hotter it can get on this side of that studio- and on the other side..that building and my house create so much almost chilly on the same day its hot on the other side.
I open that shady yards door and walk out- whew,it can be hot.
Andy,I was looking at Mission San Jose and Bruce Drive on WU today- it said 82f when I was at 74f. I've been driving that way lately,and it IS like a different climate. Next time I'm out there I have to take more photos of the huge Palms. I also saw maybe one of the tallest King palms in the bay area- it had ripe red fruit on it. I just could not stop to take a pic. Next time.
My wife and I joke...when we hit the lotto..THAT'S where we want to move!
18 Sep, 2017
That's what mangoes want, heat. They love it! I've been watching some of the Jake Mace YouTube garden videos. He has a lot of information on the soil. It's really interesting and educational. He did plant a Antonio Mango which didn't make it through its first winter, though. It was sad, but a little funny, also.
Yes, Mission San Jose, Fremont probably has the best climate in the whole Bay Area for tropical plants, trees. It really is quite the mild subtropical climate.
There should be easily 50' king palms in the Bay Area, now. I know there was one I used to see on Bart back in the 70's. Last time I saw it back in 1999 it was probably 40' tall. If it's still there it should be a lot taller. I did see it had some trunk damage from the horrible 1990 freeze, though. I hope it's still there!
18 Sep, 2017
I think when this Mango gets even more over the roof? It will really take off. Any sunny day will be 120F over that!
I wish it was already early next summer. Cant wait to see what its going to do.
19 Sep, 2017
Yes, it'll be more vigorous as it gets older, also.
Here's some interesting YouTube videos on pruning mango trees.
19 Sep, 2017
Yes,I need that. On one tall shoot in spring,I removed the panicle. That left sort of a knob at the end of the branch. I saw a vid where he said dont do that. Turned out that it did take that one branch all summer to flush instead of flushing earlier as planned. I think he says cut back to the first node below that. Next time.
I'm out Fremont way again Thursday. Its just wild that I pass Bruce drive to get there every time.
I want to get a shot of that huge King palm and some nice extra large Queen palms- watered well too.
19 Sep, 2017
It's a real art learning how to prune mango trees. I like them really full. I did notice on the video he said the mango trees should be tipped throughout the life of the tree.
I look forward to seeing the pics. I know of several big king palms in Fremont. I there was a guy on Olive St. not too far from where I used to live. He had big nice king palms in front of the house. He took really good care of them, also.
20 Sep, 2017
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Its looking good Stan so pleased you got 7 mangos off it lets hope you it getting bigger for bigger fruit
13 Sep, 2017