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Morning Glory (Impomea) climbing strings on balcony railings 29th August 2017


By Balcony

Morning Glory (Impomea) climbing strings on balcony railings 29th August 2017 (Ipomoea purpurea (Morning glory))

Morning Glory (Impomea) climbing strings on balcony railings 29th August 2017

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I love morning Glory and David you've proved no matter how small a space you have you can still have glorious plants with loads of colour ...

19 Sep, 2017


Thanks, Amy! I've been growing Morning Glory for more than 30 years! I first started in Spain & had wonderful displays every year - in fact, they seemed to do better over there than here!

This year's display is now winding down &, although they will continue to flower till the frosts kill them, I will be removing all the summer bedding to make way for the autumn planting of spring bulbs & bedding.

26 Sep, 2017


With gardening you always have to think ahead to the next seasons display David it sometimes seems a shame to clean out a pot or flower bed before its quite finished but it has to be done ...

26 Sep, 2017


You are quite right, Amy, unfortunately, it has to be done when you still have plants in flower that could, potentially, often depending on the weather, continue for longer. I have the same conundrum every year! (to pull out or not to pull out? To plant now or wait a little longer? To paraphrase a certain famous playwright!)

27 Sep, 2017

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This photo is of "Morning Glory" in Balcony's garden

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