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Reblooming Bearded Iris


By Siris

Reblooming Bearded Iris  (Iris germanica (Orris))

Scented Blue, an unnamed Bearded Iris with the best scent of any I have. This is in the back by the evening sun bench. The two varieties, in the south facing front border, that are going to rebloom, probably need a couple more weeks to open.

Comments on this photo


Isn't it great seeing them bloom again, I've posted a picture of mine/yours :-)

24 Oct, 2017


Such a clear clean shade of blue - and scented to boot! a treasure! ...and what a fantastic reliable bloomer it is!

24 Oct, 2017


Dawn, just seen your pic, excellent.
Thanks Bathgate, you didn't add reliable.

24 Oct, 2017


I did now :)

24 Oct, 2017


Thanks Bg.

24 Oct, 2017


I'm so pleased with mine, exciting x

24 Oct, 2017


Pretty one......missed this.

14 Nov, 2017


There is another blue Iris flower going to open shortly and yellow Again & Again has more flowers coming. Hope frosts don't destroy them.

15 Nov, 2017


And did they Siris?

19 Nov, 2017


Dd, A &A bloomed whilst we were away, but there is another flower stalk about to flower, and scented blue is still at a large bud stage, expect that will get frosted. Will pic when/if they open, condition might be wanting.

20 Nov, 2017


Siris if the buds freeze before they bloom, will that rhizome bloom again?

20 Nov, 2017


Siris if the buds freeze before they bloom, will that rhizome bloom again? Will it send up another flower stalk?

20 Nov, 2017


Bg, I wouldn't think so. Also it's getting rather late in the season. In general rebloomers are stout plants, so if conditions are right can make a daughter rhizome which might flower the following season.

20 Nov, 2017


Oh OK. thanks, so I'll discard those when I divide the clump.

20 Nov, 2017


If the clump is large, keep the newest plump rhizomes, these flowered ones will make daughter rhizomes. Discard the shrivelled old ones.

20 Nov, 2017

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