IMG 1353
By Loosestrife2
- 19 Nov, 2017
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This a paper wasp nest which I noticed high up on a tree once all the leaves have fallen off of it. Note the entry hole located towards the bottom. The nest is empty now all the residents aside from the queen have died. It will now serve as winter quarters for those insects an spiders that are capable of overwintering and in the spring it will be taken apart by birds who will use it as nesting material. My best regards to GF:)
23 Nov, 2017
I did guess it was wasps but knowing where you live thought you might have something more exotic, (smile).
Sending best wishes to you, Mike.
24 Nov, 2017
I was thinking of saying that it was a rugby ball.....really:)
25 Nov, 2017
I wouldn't have believed you if you had :)
I'm not quite that gullible.
25 Nov, 2017
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23 Nov, 2017