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Mango (Mangifera indica)

Mango  (Mangifera indica)  (Mango  (Mangifera indica))

My little mango tree is flushing new growth. Unfortunately, I've been too busy to take photos of all the beautiful mango trees here flushing all their beautiful growth the last week with the very hot weather here in San my little tree will have to do. :>)) Photo taken Nov. 30, 2017.

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Up here in 60-65 and 50 -55 lows...they are hardening off. Will need that when mid December turns into 30's at night.

2 Dec, 2017


I saw it was 39 degrees yesterday very early morning in Hayward. That's really cold! It was 59 degrees here at the same time. I think it was around 7:00 a.m.

The high here was 75 yesterday and today around 80 degrees. This is perfect weather. :>))

The coldest morning I've had where I live so far is 51 degrees.

2 Dec, 2017


No,it wasn't that cold. 44 was bad enough. I know somebody said 39f..but NWS and Weather Underground and me saw the 44f,then 45f. Next week,they predict a 41. But so far no 30's in the inner bay area.
This time of year every degree helps.
SF'S low was 46F. The bay area standard-lol.

2 Dec, 2017


ha!,my inlaws went back to Miami..lows in the 70's!

3 Dec, 2017


39 degrees is really cold for Hayward, especially this early in the year. That's good it really wasn't that cold.

It feels really warm tonight for some reason. The high was around 80 degrees today. Next week we're in for possibly some very strong Santa Ana Winds (Monday through Thursday). It may be the strongest Santa Ana Wind event in a long time. I'll have to see if it actually happens. This is very dangerous weather, especially for firestorms. Hopefully, no fires happen in Southern California!

3 Dec, 2017


Its looking sunny and in the 66f range next week. Its getting a little too long between storms.
I know this spring,I want to take out the big Agave americana and put in the Ucarina and a big potted Pachypodium plus,whatever else I can squeeze in.
The water needy plant buying is getting more and more reduced-ha. I haven't cut the ties 100%,but always have the "Once its really rooted in,it can get by on occasional water" in mind nowadays.

3 Dec, 2017


That's terrific weather for December! It's going to be in the low-to-mid-80's (where I live) next week from Tuesday on. We so desperately need the rain, though.

It's funny, because 66ºF is the temp of San Diego Bay and La Jolla right now.

3 Dec, 2017

Pretty good. Should be good for some pruning next week.

3 Dec, 2017


I notice? Plumeria obtusa looks like it does in summer. Last year in 3 years I had it,it had started to yellow and blotch.
I wish I could put them in ground. Gophers and not many hot spots for a shade making Plumeria that would slow other plants down.
I was given a Hawaiian Papaya...I'm going to plant the seeds. See if it grows faster then the Maridol. That was 3 year and a few fruit. Darn last winter!

3 Dec, 2017


That's great! Plumeria obtusa is very tropical. There's a pretty large one around the corner from where I live . It still has beautiful flowers on it. Oh, I remember battling gophers. They're so destructive!

Hawaiian papayas grow so much faster than Maradol papayas. However, they're much more tender. They really don't like cool weather. They're also very sensitive to cool and wet weather. I've grown so nice Hawaiian solos in the past. However, in Dec. 2010 I had a large one and we had record rains and flooding (warm rains) and the stem got a rot on the upper stem. I cut it down.

I can imagine how big your papaya trees would be if they didn't rot in all that rain last winter season.

We still haven't gotten the horrible Santa Ana Winds they've been talking about the last couple of days. I know Ventura is having a horrible firestorm from the winds. :>((

5 Dec, 2017


Funny,but we are getting an offshore just starting,and it will push temps maybe to mid 60's. In spring,they talk about the El Diablo winds..THAT can get us to 80f. But,thats spring. Right now in shortest days of the year "El Diablo" isn't even "El Trouble-O"
Pretty much at average for December.

5 Dec, 2017


I remember strong Diablo winds (same as Santa Ana Winds) in the SF Bay Area. Every so often they're very strong, just like here. I know the winds in the North Bay happened just a few months ago.

Today we had very strong Santa Ana Winds here. It caused lot of branches to fall from the trees and lot of potted plants to fall over. There's a lot of firestorms happening right now as I write this comment. The Lilac Fire (in Fallbrook, Bonsall, northern San Diego County) started this afternoon and now it's grown to more than 2,000 acres.

8 Dec, 2017


We are getting haze from the fires down south. I think its holding down temps a bit here. Not to compare that to the tragedies going on,just shows how big those fires are.
We are making it to 65+ everyday. That's a good 6f over our average now that I look it up.
I'm still gardening..last year this time,I was at a stop.

8 Dec, 2017


I suspect when the on-shore winds kick back up it'll be very smokey. Right now it's still very clear. More strong Santa Ana Winds are expected tonight.

That's great you're enjoying such good weather! I have a feeling this may be a very dry winter.

9 Dec, 2017


Ok Andy,we might make a record today. 68F would break the record for the day of 66f. Only, that's the record over the last 20 years. I found a really old record of 70f in 1958 ( a drought year and period). We could hit 70+..sun feels strong early. Maybe.

11 Dec, 2017


There's been some record highs around San Diego County, also. It's still very warm and extremely dry!

I've seen some really warm weather up there, lately. It could continue for quite a while, especially here in San Diego. It's forecasted to be 77 to 85 for the next 14 days here. Also, it's the driest start to San Diego's rainy season since records have been kept (in 1850). Very crazy!

11 Dec, 2017


Its crazy that in early December- to mid December its been at 75f by 10am in San Diego..that's like Cabo.
As I write..not sure we will tie or break the record since we are at only 67f at 2:30pm.
The Santa Rosa plum still has some foliage on it. December 9th.

11 Dec, 2017


We've had 80 degrees by 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. some days. That's really insane! (it's happened in the past during January, though) It's still 72 degrees here at about 7:00 p.m. Last night it stayed pretty much 65 degrees most of the whole night.

12 Dec, 2017

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This photo is of species Mango (Mangifera indica).

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