Aechmea pineliana
- 20 Dec, 2017
Another bromeliad, very different. It may get yellow flowers on the head. I have it in a very protected place outside.
Comments on this photo
Thanks. The problem working with this type are the little spikes on the edge of the leaves. When it sets pups, I am going to need thick gloves to separate them.
21 Dec, 2017
Its hardy Wykie,one if not one of the hardiest. I grow it here in near full summer sun,and it will turn pink. Its a tough balance since more then that,it will burn.
23 Dec, 2017
Yes I would be using thick gloves to I bet those little spikes would cut you to .
23 Dec, 2017
I have it in a pot (but it needs to be divided) so it can be moved to a sunnier spot in the winter and back to the shade in the summer.
This isn't as bad as some Puya I have growing. Get anywhere near them and they will stick you.
23 Dec, 2017
Could nt you use a fork to get it out also fork a d spade to divide it .
Wow they would make a good deterrent those Puya for any one trespassing.
25 Dec, 2017
Bromeliads have a small root system - not much more than what they need to anchor the plant, so fork & spade would be overkill. Just leather gloves. Puyas are a good barrier.
26 Dec, 2017
Thats good to know I thought their root system would be tuff and deep. I thought the Puyas would be .☺
26 Dec, 2017
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Wow thats gorgeous .
20 Dec, 2017