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Aechmea pineliana

Aechmea pineliana (Aechmea pineliana)

I had posted a photo of this when the flowerhead had emerged, but the flowers hadn't opened. Here is one of the flowers - which measures 2mm across. They last a single day, and there are only a few opened at any one time. Of course I had to pull out the macro lens and tripod to get the photo.

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How dainty is that?!

7 Jan, 2018


worth the effort...great photo. It has a real air of mystery about it. :)

7 Jan, 2018


Such a pretty flower with such detail .

7 Jan, 2018


Thanks! It has a 5" head, so it will be flowering for a long time.

8 Jan, 2018


A long-lasting flower then which is great.

8 Jan, 2018


The macro on my old camera was so easy to use. The new one is a bear of resetting..and its hard to focus when you do set it.
The old one? Press the macro button. All I had to do. Crystal clear too.
The problem was- it wasnt designed to last. The LCD broke so easy one day..and 2 years later the zoom stopped zooming.

8 Jan, 2018


I have a separate macro lens for my Nikon D7200, which is very straight forward. I don't like the auto focus function for macro photography, so I got one that has the manual option.

9 Jan, 2018


Wylie...on another board somebody brought up the possibility that coconut palms could be grown in the Azores? You thought of trying?-wink.

9 Jan, 2018


The biggest obstacle would be getting an actual seed. The ones in a grocery store are hulled, so they don't work.

10 Jan, 2018

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This photo is of species Aechmea pineliana.

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