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African Violets

African Violets

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Awe a very pretty coloured one.

9 Apr, 2018


I adore saintpaulia... that has the lovely violet shape. Mine is the anemone shape. so pretty. will share.

16 Apr, 2018


Thanks Thrup. It's always nice to see this one in bloom & it lasts for weeks.

Lori - looking forward to seeing yours. Have you ever propagated new plants from leaf cuttings? Would like to know your method.

16 Apr, 2018


Believe it or not, Bathgate, I've propagated them from seeds! It's tricky because the seed pod has to develop on the plant to ensure the seed viability and that takes 6 to 9 months! the seeds are microscopic (small exaggeration)..but they are like black dust which makes sowing tricky. prop medium must be sterile... and uniformly moist. I started mine in a pyrex bowl with a loose fitting glass lid. finally the tally was 8 plants. I had crossed a purple/pink with a true blue... all the babies were purple! I shared them with my sister.
As to cuttings I know some use a long petiole but I've had best results when I cut the stem close to the leaf and place the leaf in moist sphagnum. Occasionally I've used a rooting hormone.. but they root so readily that it's overkill in my opinion. I've seen a method using a shallow tray, (like ice cube trays) filled with water and topped with a layer of foil. leaves with long stems are punched through the foil and supported by it with their ends in the water. the foil stops evapouration of the water, and stops the light from hitting the roots while the leaves can remain in higher light conditions. bottom heat helps too.
a few years ago a flat of saintpaulias went up to the space station to see how the extra magnetic fields would affect plants.. I've reminded myself now...I'll have to go look it up.

16 Apr, 2018


Are you telling me that somebody is growing African Violets in outer space? I can see the benefit as they are natural air purifiers. I never had success in propagating though I've tried various methods. My cuttings always turn black & mushy. I'll keep at it though. You must have the patience of a Saint to grow from seed, but the reward of seeing your own hybrids in bloom must be awesome. I'll keep a look out for your posts. Thanks!

16 Apr, 2018


African violts like being water from the bottom Paul not on top here I found this out when mine turned like your propagating black and mushy so I placed a saucer under the next one and tipped water into the saucer allowing it to take from the bottom not sure if this helps . .

17 Apr, 2018


Well I inserted a wick that wraps around the rootball and protrudes from the bottom of the pot. All I do is fill the saucer with water/fertilizer solution which it wicks up through the bottom as you said. This seems to make them happy.

17 Apr, 2018


try the foil method, Bathgate. and try to make sure that the stem under the foil is in as much darkness as possible.
It's so exciting to see the tiny little green dots..and watch them become tiny plants. Must ask my sister if she still has any progeny from my plants... not likely. It was back in the '80's, when I was in school.

17 Apr, 2018


Thats great Paul good to hear your wick method works.

17 Apr, 2018


OK that must have been my 2nd mistake - using transparent pots instead of opaque. I'll just wrap the whole pot in foil to keep out the light, then poke holes in the top just for the stems. Do you still have your original plants from the 80's? I was only in Junior High back then.
Thanks for the instruction.

Thanks Thrup. The wick system works great esp when I have to travel. They still get water & food.

17 Apr, 2018


lol... good grief. Noooo.... I've moved around a lot since then. Some I gave away to neighbours, but in the late 80's we went to live in the far north. just took a look at the "Everfloris" space violets... I just googled NASA space violets.

18 Apr, 2018


Yes especially if you travel good idea you worked out there for the traveling ..

18 Apr, 2018


lol! I just googled the 'space violets' fascinating. Gotta get me some.

Thanks Thrup, yes they can go a few weeks without me.

18 Apr, 2018


Great think I ll have a peek at tgese space violets lol.

18 Apr, 2018

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