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Carica papaya 'Thai Dwarf' Fruit

Carica papaya 'Thai Dwarf' Fruit (Carica papaya 'Thai Dwarf')

I just picked this Thai Dwarf fruit late last week. It should be ready to eat in a few days. Photo taken April 10, 2018.

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oh yum! nothing like your own fresh fruit. enjoy!

12 Apr, 2018


Are nt you going to share it with Lori and me ?looks great at least you know its not been forced or sprayed.

12 Apr, 2018



Yes, it's very good, sweet and juicy! Home-grown papayas are the best! One can never get them to ripen well from store-bought fruit. It's because they're picked too green and will never develop the sugars. This is why most people hate papayas.

12 Apr, 2018



If you come to San Diego you most certainly can have some papaya. :>))

Yes, very true, no pesticides. Typically, papayas cannot be forced to flower.

12 Apr, 2018


I bought one yesterday Andy as Tesco sell them ripened honey sweet taste a bit like a melon as I knew I could nt travel on a plane to San Diego.
Thats good to know it cant be forced.

13 Apr, 2018


papaya, mango and pineapple... yum. Along with bananas they are my fave tropical fruit.

13 Apr, 2018



It's very unusual to have really sweet papayas sold in the store. You're very lucky! :>)) I just ate some of my papaya this morning for breakfast. It's so sweet and juicy! Yum! I picked another very large papaya today. It should be ready to eat in 3 days or so.

13 Apr, 2018



I've grown all three fruits (papaya, mango, pineapple and bananas) here. Unfortunately, my mango tree died many years ago. It was crowded out and I think I applied too much nitrogen fertilizer. I've just planted a new mango tree in the ground on March 1st.

Here's a pics of the mango sapling:

13 Apr, 2018

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