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Brunnera Jack Frost

Brunnera Jack Frost

Always a welcome sight

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Yes indeed, and one of the best, doesn't revert to green.

13 Apr, 2018


I remember you saying one variety does revert. So useful like Geranium are.

13 Apr, 2018


Mine is coming up half it's well and truly reverted. Nothing I can do about it now. Will just have to put up with it....or replace it.

13 Apr, 2018


Jack frost? Grrrr

13 Apr, 2018


Karen was that Jack Frost that reverted? Dawson's white sends up plain green leaved stems occasionally for me. I was told it happens sometimes if the stalk is damaged.

14 Apr, 2018


No, it was Dawson’s White Sue.

14 Apr, 2018


My Hadspen Cream seems ok so far.

15 Apr, 2018


Hadspen reverts for me as well, it's only Jack Frost that doesn't.

15 Apr, 2018


Jack's the winner then.

15 Apr, 2018


Great plants.......good doers.

15 Apr, 2018


Agreed Dotty

15 Apr, 2018

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