The flower opening on. Crown Imperial
By Thrupennybit

14 Apr, 2018
Comments on this photo
It comes up the same time each year Siris its in the garden not a pot.
14 Apr, 2018
Thanks for the info 3pb, I bought one earlier, its in a pot at the moment, cause I'm not sure where to put it in the garden. They are quite majestic, don't really fit with my loose planting scheme. An impulse buy!
15 Apr, 2018
Its come on a treat .... I remember when you could buy a bulb for 50 pence lol
15 Apr, 2018
Your welcome Siris as its a Fritilla you could put it amongst other Fritillias it might need staking.
15 Apr, 2018
Thank you Gnarly gnome. Yes I recall years ago as a child seeing them frequently in garden here but not any more. This cost me £2.49. I ve bought a yellow one recently which was £2.69 from a super store I think it was Range.
15 Apr, 2018
I used to grow some of these when I had my larger garden down the road. The ones I grew, the flowers didn't smell very nice.
27 Apr, 2018
There was nt any scent to this one Linda first thing I did was I had a sniff lol.
27 Apr, 2018
Monty Don was on about growing these,
28 Apr, 2018
I hope he sprays as for years the lily beetle has got this one before the flower has a chance so all the years I ve had two shows of flowers every other year its just stems then the lily beetle attacks because of the cold weather this year I got the 2nd flower ever.
28 Apr, 2018
3pb, May I ask you, May 14th, I've cut off the flower heads because they've finished. The plant now seems to be finishing, does yours go summer dormant? Mine is in a pot.
14 May, 2018
Yes Siris I just cut off the dead flower like you and leave it all to die back for next year. It comes back every year its just mine gets the lily beetle so best to keep spraying soon as you see it growing I only discovered it was the lily beetle last year why I was nt getting a flower this is the 2nd time I ve had a flower in all the years I ve had it.
14 May, 2018
Thank you so much for that info. I was concerned it was dying back earlier than my Snakes Head Fritillaries.
14 May, 2018
Mine normally comes up before my Snake Head Fritillariees Siris .
14 May, 2018
Mine is still in a largish pot, never got around to turning it free. Adding to my favs. for your information. Thanks again.
15 May, 2018
I ve just gone out now Siris to check mine thats dying back found a lily beetle on it so I got it off and sqished it I ve sprayed it with bug killer just incase its laid eggs . Thank you Siris when you do set it free I would place where you can see it all round to see anylily beetles .
15 May, 2018
Thanks for that advice, 3Pb.
15 May, 2018
Your very welcome Siris ☺
15 May, 2018
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Outside? that's early.
14 Apr, 2018