Sycamore Tree for Delonix
By Thrupennybit

19 Apr, 2018
Its the one in the middle by the fence my house is to the left. Photo taken from the church grave yard.
Comments on this photo
And dont I know it Steragram thousand all embed in my garden which I can not get to , to pull out so I have seeked legal advice for them to cut it back or cut down its a nightmare. Yes I have photos of the bare branches against a blue sky.
19 Apr, 2018
Wow! That's a huge tree! How do you take care of all those leaves when they fall? It must take months to rake them all up.
20 Apr, 2018
My garden is small compared with other gardens here where the third dark tree is thats nearly the end of my garden I don't only get the leaves but hundreds of thousands of seeds all three trees you see their leaves come into my garden plus in autumn if its windy I get the trees behind where I am taking the photo from which are very tall I ll put a photo of them on for you . It takes me from Autumn to Autumn to get rid of all the seeds flowers and leaves believe it or not as the Sycamore drops flowers spring to summer the other is a rare tree like a rowen but its branches has spikes like thorns that to produces flowers which also drop in my garden when they fall bees are in side the flowers which over lap my path many times they fall on me bees and all. The photo is now on for you Andy of the other trees.
20 Apr, 2018
We have sycamores all round our garden so I do know what you mean! Pulled lots of seedlings out just this afternoon.
20 Apr, 2018
I feel for you Steragram this one seems to be dropping more seeds over the past five years or so I thought it might the weather .
20 Apr, 2018
Wow! I can kind of relate. I have three large trees in the front yard. The messiest is the 85' (26 m) tall Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria heterophylla). It constantly drops its long rope-like leaves, when it has cones every 2 years or so then we have tons of seeds everywhere. This tree is a only a good park tree.
21 Apr, 2018
Your garden must be huge Andy to take such size trees its would be the seeds that would do my head in.
21 Apr, 2018
I dont know if I really "like" the photo Penny as much as it reminds me of all the tree pruning I have to do to have a mixed yard.
If I could have seen the future? Planted a few large hardy palms,and then the rare exotic things I like under them. They would be getting more light,water,and rooting room.
Oh well.
22 Apr, 2018
Can't say I blame you Stan yes if we all could see the future my mum could she was nt pleased when I first moved here her first remark was about all the over hanging trees then said oh an air raid shelter the shed then said have they put you here to die so they can just tip your body over the fence in the grave yard .
When I first moved in it was worse than this I had 14 elder trees along that fence over hanging my garden until my granson put pay to them only one grew back and its still there. Same thought as you Stan I made sure I grew mostly plants and shrubs that dont drop seeds and leaves those that do I dehead before the seeds form. If I ever move it will be all palms and evergreens.
22 Apr, 2018
The front yard is twice as large as the back yard.
The Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria heterophylla) is a female, so it produces seed pods which are huge and loose the seeds over a period of time. If a Bunya-bunya (Araucaria bidwillii) had been planted, then it would be dangerous! Bunya-bunya pines have massive cones which come crashing down and can kill a person. There's 100 ft (38 m) tall Bunya-bunya trees here in San Diego; however, they're mostly planted in parks.
Here's a Bunya-bunya tree in Hayward, CA. It's a very beautiful and very large, tall tree.
23 Apr, 2018
Yes a few houses here have bigger front gardens than back gardens I noticed some in Kenilworth here have really long gardens .
I ll remember never to buy one lol especially female ones any way.
So I assume San Diego dont like children then planting Bunya-bunya in parks. ?
Thank you for the link Andy I shall take a look.
23 Apr, 2018
There's an area in Balboa Park where several Bunya-bunya tree are planted. One blew down in a wind storm 3 years ago. It damaged a building. I didn't know they could blew down, as it's such a strong tree with a huge root system. Maybe it was weakened during the drought.
25 Apr, 2018
They are taking chances planting them in parks especially where where kids go . Yes drought could of coursed it to weaken the roots was any one in the building hurt.
25 Apr, 2018
It's pretty chancy. However, it's in the park where there isn't too many kids. Remember also: there has to be male and female trees for cones to set.
26 Apr, 2018
Ahrr right its not where many kids would go. So the tree needs both for the cones to develop.
26 Apr, 2018
Yes, male and female trees to produce cones. It's a dioecious tree.
2 May, 2018
Thats good then especially for the park area.
2 May, 2018
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Its a nice shape. These can be a a pain when they seed all around your garden but they are beautiful in winter with the bare branches against a blue sky...
19 Apr, 2018