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peas cornflowers geraniums and beans planted....


By Lindak

peas cornflowers geraniums and beans planted....

Comments on this photo


You ve done well Linda they are looking all healthy .

20 Apr, 2018


Hope they all grow o.k. Thrupennybit.

20 Apr, 2018


I am sure they will they all look good they could nt be in a better place in your green house with our ever changing weather which I discovered today is the Tea which spins above the top of the earth out in space its to do with how it encircle s spinning up there.

20 Apr, 2018


Some of our weather patterns are to do with how we are treating the planet using up it's resources and the deforestation, pollution etc. We have had mini ice ages in the past with changes of airflows. At the moment the poles are melting at a great rate and glaciers are falling off into the sea, changing all it's temperatures. Extra moisture is being drawn up into the air, the airflows are changing bringing us the different climates we have. With the wildfires in different parts burning up the trees doesn't help either and some of that is to do with how hot it is. If Mr. Trump goes over to coal that's not going to help either...and so it goes on Thrupennybit.

21 Apr, 2018


I was on about our cold weather lol Linda.

The reason the sea warms is because of the oil being extracted which normally suppresses the heat escaping from the centre of the earth I was reading about this on where scientist chat on the net which will get worse hence the bombing of Siria they are after the oil which Siria and Russia own. My theory is drain all the oil out of a car engine the piston s stop working and the engine will cease up I use to work in the office for Pistons Ltd also also have ran a scrap yard hence where I got my theory from.

While we have greedy people who continue to buy these goods for ever changing to keep up with fashion and greedy business men and greedy bankers running this world the likes of Rothchilds George Soros who own Costa and other business etc only 6 families who run governments and the world they will exhaust the earths resores.

The Queen has now gone around the old empire countries having them agreeing to plant and preserve forests for the future generation because of the damage they have done . I try my best not to buy from these greedy bankers and their businesses these families own .

21 Apr, 2018


Money and power seem to dominate greed is in the essence too You're right there. Money is essential to live and survive on with the everyday things like food rent, etc, but to keep on buying lots of clothes and furniture just because the fashion changes, doesn't necessarily make a person happy, it's what's inside a person that counts, not what they possess or look like. Things have changed a lot since I was a child in the fifties, and we used to be happy not having a lot. We didn't have a tele, a phone, or even heating. We certainly appreciate what we have today. I don't know what the future will hold, with the way everything is going, but I do hope that people will take more care of the planet we live on.

22 Apr, 2018


I have to agree with you Linda as you can see by my poem some years back published by on line free library.

WHEN I was young in the summer time, All the summer the sun did shine, Thunderstorms with yellow red skies, A masterpiece before my eyes. 

Holidays down by the sea, Always happy as can be, A bucket and spade and have a splash, Never had to spend any cash. 

A ride in the car if we behave, Up to Corley to explore the cave, Then from trees the leaves did fall, A golden carpet that covered the floor. 

Collecting conkers from the tree, Playing conkers all for free, Then from heaven lace came down, No matter where you look to all around. 

Making snowballs from this lace, Building a snowman with a funny face, Spring time came the rain came down, Not one bit of lace could be found. 

Up popped snowdrops like a little bell, Crocuses, daffodils, some did smell, Picking bluebells as many as we could, Having a picnic in Crackley Wood. 

Down to the park to have a swing and slide, Make a den for us to hide, Ball and skipping that's all we had, Not very much but we were glad. 

Cut out cardboard to put inside my shoes, Cause Ma couldn't afford to buy us new, All of this we were content, Take note! Not a penny spent. 

22 Apr, 2018


That's true free spirit and a contented and happy one Thrupennybit. Lovely poem.

23 Apr, 2018


Thank you Linda I think this song explains life to day with greedy companies shame some people are under pressure to pay rising bills and to get through life.

23 Apr, 2018

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